Montpelier, Virginia Horse Directory
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Seth Phillips Farrier Service

Visit Seth Phillips Farrier Service's Facebook Page
15090 Hawks Climb Lane
Montpelier, VA 23192
(804) 310-6336
Seth.Phillips.Farrier@gmail.comSeth Phillips Farrier Service provides quality, reliable hoof care throughout central Virginia. Seth is a 3rd generation farrier with over 8 years of full time experience as a professional horseshoer.
In addition to hot and cold shoeing, we are experienced in successfully providing our clients with specialty shoeing and packages such as pour-in pads, glue-on shoes, Equicast, studs, as well as other requests.
Seth Phillips Farrier Service has a great working relationship with many of the area's top veterinarians.
Give us a call to set up your next appointment!

Visit Wings of Hope Ranch's Facebook Page
14266 Three Oaks Lane
Montpelier, VA 23192
(804) 883-8903
wingsofhoperanch@aol.comWings of Hope Ranch is a 501c3 non-profit organization that was created to foster hope and an empowered future for children in our community. Through hands-on experience in a safe and peaceful environment, broken horses and children come together within a healing circle of unconditional love.
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