Loudoun County, Virginia Horse Directory
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Tail Race FarmTotal Equine Veterinary Associates

Visit Total Equine Veterinary Associates' Facebook Page
358 Foxridge Dr SW
Leesburg, VA 20175
(703) 505-2320
info@totalequinevets.comFull service mobile equine veterinary services. No emergency fees. Emphasizing dentistry and lameness. State of the art x-ray and shockwave machines.
Round Hill, VA
We are a small lesson barn that specializes in children. We teach solid horsemanship that can take the rider to any discipline that they would choose.
Upperville Racing LLC(703) 966-3082
julie@travelinglightfarm.netWe are a small lesson barn that specializes in children. We teach solid horsemanship that can take the rider to any discipline that they would choose.
Upperville Racing LLC is a recently created and locally-based thoroughbred racing partnership. What started with one great little filly in September 2009 has grown into a 3 horse racing group, and we are looking to grow the partnership into a Loudoun County-based racing syndicate with additional partners and horses. The horses will be boarded and trained locally in Middleburg, Virginia, at a racing / steeplechase barn on 100+ acres adjacent to the Middleburg Traning Track. We have engaged an old school horseman who uses a non-conventional approach to training... he turns his horses out so they can be horses, swims them at the Middleburg Swim Center, breezes them locally, and exercises them x-country.
Our plan is to run the horses locally for now - Charles Town, Laurel, Pimlico, Colonel Downs, and Delaware... with an occasional trip to Philly, Penn National, or Monmouth, depending on the horse. Please email me with questions and to schedule a time to talk.
Virginia Fall RacesWestview StablesUpperville Racing LLC is a recently created and locally-based thoroughbred racing partnership. What started with one great little filly in September 2009 has grown into a 3 horse racing group, and we are looking to grow the partnership into a Loudoun County-based racing syndicate with additional partners and horses. The horses will be boarded and trained locally in Middleburg, Virginia, at a racing / steeplechase barn on 100+ acres adjacent to the Middleburg Traning Track. We have engaged an old school horseman who uses a non-conventional approach to training... he turns his horses out so they can be horses, swims them at the Middleburg Swim Center, breezes them locally, and exercises them x-country.
Our plan is to run the horses locally for now - Charles Town, Laurel, Pimlico, Colonel Downs, and Delaware... with an occasional trip to Philly, Penn National, or Monmouth, depending on the horse. Please email me with questions and to schedule a time to talk.
20261 Hogback Mountain Road
Leesburg, VA 20175
Westview Stables is located in Leesburg, VA, just 4 miles south of Leesburg. Convenient to Prince William County and Fairfax County, Westview Stables offers quality care at an affordable price. Facility offers an indoor ring with rubber footing and an outdoor ring.
Wiethers Height FarmLeesburg, VA 20175
(703) 304-6249
foxgrovefarm1@aol.comWestview Stables is located in Leesburg, VA, just 4 miles south of Leesburg. Convenient to Prince William County and Fairfax County, Westview Stables offers quality care at an affordable price. Facility offers an indoor ring with rubber footing and an outdoor ring.
Lovettsville, VA 20180
Boarding stalls & field board. I have openings. Private farm in Lovettsville, Va (just over the Waterford Line). Riding ring, round pen, and lots of fields to hack out. Cross country jumps, 12x12 stalls, large run ins, and 3 board fence. Please call for more information.
Withers Height Farm(540) 454-1600
carolynyoung@cyoungsells.comBoarding stalls & field board. I have openings. Private farm in Lovettsville, Va (just over the Waterford Line). Riding ring, round pen, and lots of fields to hack out. Cross country jumps, 12x12 stalls, large run ins, and 3 board fence. Please call for more information.
39605 Rodeffer Rd
Lovettsville, VA 21080
Beautiful rolling pasture, 3 board fence, and large run in shed.
Field Board - 275
Stall / Full Care - 425
(Rates as of Aug 2010)
Small 13 acre private farm with stream. Peaceful & quiet. Hot & cold water, ring, and lots of trails. Indoor available.
Call Carolyn at (540) 454-1600.
Advanced Contracting, Inc.Lovettsville, VA 21080
(540) 454-1600
(540) 882-4840
carolynyoung@cyoungsells.comBeautiful rolling pasture, 3 board fence, and large run in shed.
Field Board - 275
Stall / Full Care - 425
(Rates as of Aug 2010)
Small 13 acre private farm with stream. Peaceful & quiet. Hot & cold water, ring, and lots of trails. Indoor available.
Call Carolyn at (540) 454-1600.
34301 Williams Gap Road
Round Hill, VA 20141
Full service residential remodeler & barn builder - design and build.
Award winning firm.
23 years of hands on experience in planning, engineering, excavating, and developing land efficiently.
From the initial consultation, our team of professionals are focused on learning about our clients desires, needs, lifestyle, and future goals for their investment.
We aim to ensure the client's needs are met architecturally and within budget.
Our services include:
- Custom homes
- New barns
- Barn remodeling
- Riding arenas
- Ponds
- All phases of residential remodel, including kitchens, additions, baths, basements, unique living spaces, and green remodeling
- Pasture management
- Site & lot planning
- Site & lot development
With proper research and planning, costly mistakes can be avoided. Let our team of experts help you plan, design, and build your dream estate or farmette - all under one roof.
Cloverlone FarmRound Hill, VA 20141
(540) 554-8777
patty@aciremodel.comFull service residential remodeler & barn builder - design and build.
Award winning firm.
23 years of hands on experience in planning, engineering, excavating, and developing land efficiently.
From the initial consultation, our team of professionals are focused on learning about our clients desires, needs, lifestyle, and future goals for their investment.
We aim to ensure the client's needs are met architecturally and within budget.
Our services include:
- Custom homes
- New barns
- Barn remodeling
- Riding arenas
- Ponds
- All phases of residential remodel, including kitchens, additions, baths, basements, unique living spaces, and green remodeling
- Pasture management
- Site & lot planning
- Site & lot development
With proper research and planning, costly mistakes can be avoided. Let our team of experts help you plan, design, and build your dream estate or farmette - all under one roof.
PO Box 355
Upperville, VA 20814
Spotted Holsteiner Sport Horses with only 4% appaloosa blood! The the Holsteiner breed in jump with an American coat.
Upperville, VA 20814
(877) 278-2944
info@cloverlone.comSpotted Holsteiner Sport Horses with only 4% appaloosa blood! The the Holsteiner breed in jump with an American coat.
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Holsteiner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
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