Strasburg, Virginia Horse Directory
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Saddle Company, The

Visit Saddle Company, The's Facebook Page
192 Oxbow Drive
Strasburg, VA 22657
(571) 991-4116
wpbidtaker@yahoo.comOffering name brand western saddles and tack at great affordable prices. We offer the following brands: Billy Cook Saddlery, Saddlesmith of Texas, Alamo Saddlery, Circle S, Showman Saddlery, Abetta, Simco, Longhorn, and more.
Strasburg, VA 22657
ARIA Certified Instructor, Lord Fairfax Community College Equestrian Studies Adjunct Instructor, boarding, training and schooling show judge.
(540) 465-9361
emmanuelequine@yahoo.comARIA Certified Instructor, Lord Fairfax Community College Equestrian Studies Adjunct Instructor, boarding, training and schooling show judge.
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