Abingdon, Virginia Horse Directory
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Dream Hill Farm

Visit Dream Hill Farm's Facebook Page
25218 Walden Rd
Abingdon, VA 24210
(276) 628-9090
Breeders of champion warmblood horses in Abingdon, Virginia.
- Hanoverian Breeders and Stallions
- Holsteiner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Miniature Donkey Stallions and Breeders
Abingdon, VA 24210
We are a small family owned and operated paint horse farm located near the Town of Abingdon in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia.
We raise American Paint Horse Association (APHA) registered horses. Currently, we raise two to three foals per year. We breed for color, conformation, and disposition. Our present paint stallion, Ramblin High Dakota, "Dakota", is a black and white tobiano that has been tested homozygous for the tobiano and black genes. Dakota has an excellent temperament, which he passes on to his foals.
Fairhaven, LLCnunleyfarm@centurylink.net
We are a small family owned and operated paint horse farm located near the Town of Abingdon in the beautiful Appalachian mountains of southwestern Virginia.
We raise American Paint Horse Association (APHA) registered horses. Currently, we raise two to three foals per year. We breed for color, conformation, and disposition. Our present paint stallion, Ramblin High Dakota, "Dakota", is a black and white tobiano that has been tested homozygous for the tobiano and black genes. Dakota has an excellent temperament, which he passes on to his foals.
Abingdon, VA 24211
(276) 475-6591
(423) 646-1737
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