Chelan County, Washington Horse Directory
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Eagle Creek Ranch
P.O. Box 719
Leavenworth, WA 98826
Icicle OutfittersLynette Smith PhotographyLeavenworth, WA 98826
(509) 548-7798
(800) 221-RIDE (7433)
Visit Lynette Smith Photography's Facebook Page
PO Box 41
Wenatchee, WA 98807
(509) 679-3499
info@lynettesmithphotography.comLynette's specialty is equestrian photography with creative portraits, dynamic action shots, images of special events, and more. Her style blends the careful composition of classic photography with a fresh photo-journalistic approach.
Old fashioned horse-drawn sleigh rides, hayrides, BBQ cookouts, with wedding, banquet and tour group facilities as well as cozy cabin lodging accommodations. Red-Tail Canyon Farm is a working Draft horse guest ranch in Leavenworth, WA.
Moran Equine
Farm photo shoots, stallion advertising, and stock photography.
Farm photo shoots, stallion advertising, and stock photography.
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