Snohomish County, Washington Horse Directory
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AP Dressage LLC
13113 200th St SE
Snohomish, WA 98296
Train with FEI trainer Alyssa Pitts. Green horses through FEI horses. All breeds welcome. Problem and difficult horses accepted. Lessons for riders of all levels.
Arena Rehab SpecialistsSnohomish, WA 98296
(360) 453-7196
alyssa@ap-dressage.comTrain with FEI trainer Alyssa Pitts. Green horses through FEI horses. All breeds welcome. Problem and difficult horses accepted. Lessons for riders of all levels.
PO Box 1646
Sultan, WA 98294
We are the NW USA regional distributor for MAG indoor arena dust control. With MAG installed in your sand footing, you may never need to water again! Saves time, hassle, and the expense of watering. Your footing maintains its perfect moisture content for optimum riding texture.
MAG also STOPS freezing of your footing and will dramatically decrease condensation on the overhead and walls of your indoor arena, stopping the "rain".
We are riding arena footing specialists, specializing in only the best German and American technology. Our own Equi-Fleece brand of imported German poly felt is the best we have found, giving longevity, ease of maintenance, and performance under foot.
We can construct from scratch or renew and rehab your current problem arena footing.
Bar 3 Quarter HorsesSultan, WA 98294
(425) 923-7909
Rick@Arena-Rehab.comWe are the NW USA regional distributor for MAG indoor arena dust control. With MAG installed in your sand footing, you may never need to water again! Saves time, hassle, and the expense of watering. Your footing maintains its perfect moisture content for optimum riding texture.
MAG also STOPS freezing of your footing and will dramatically decrease condensation on the overhead and walls of your indoor arena, stopping the "rain".
We are riding arena footing specialists, specializing in only the best German and American technology. Our own Equi-Fleece brand of imported German poly felt is the best we have found, giving longevity, ease of maintenance, and performance under foot.
We can construct from scratch or renew and rehab your current problem arena footing.
30726 Sauk Prairie Rd
PO Box 1294
Darrington, WA 98241
Barn ProsPO Box 1294
Darrington, WA 98241
(360) 436-1644
(425) 422-3549

Visit Barn Pros' Facebook Page
14567 169th Drive SE
Monroe, WA 98272
(866) 844-2276
barns@barnpros.comBarn Pros, Inc. provides beautiful, traditional, all wood, complete horse barns, barn homes, and arenas in kit form. With over 25 years of experience and design, we are sure we have a model to meet your needs.
3820 Pioneer Highway
Stanwood, WA 98292
We offer private riding lessons on safe lesson horses. Each lesson you get to brush the horse and learn how to tack and untack your horse. I teach basic horse care and how to understand the horse while you're riding. Our horse camp is a one week day camp with lots of riding, games, and fun learning!!! Check out the website for more info.
Camp Horse Country at Horse Country FarmStanwood, WA 98292
(425) 238-1353
Brendacorbett2@yahoo.comWe offer private riding lessons on safe lesson horses. Each lesson you get to brush the horse and learn how to tack and untack your horse. I teach basic horse care and how to understand the horse while you're riding. Our horse camp is a one week day camp with lots of riding, games, and fun learning!!! Check out the website for more info.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Summer Horse Riding Camps
- Saddleseat Stables
- Horse Training Stables

Visit Camp Horse Country at Horse Country Farm's Facebook Page
8507 Hwy 92
P.O. Box 2
Granite Falls, WA 98252
(360) 691-7509
(425) 335-4773
ckennedy@horsecountryfarm.comAt Camp Horse Country, we do horses, horses, horses all day and all week!
We offer:
- Small riding groups so campers progress at their own pace.
- A safe and positive environment.
- Friendship circles, team-building activities, and barn buddies.
- Daily horseback riding – 2 hours up to 5 hours a day in the saddle, in the arenas, in the corrals, and on the trails. Length of riding time depends on the camp program you choose for your camper.
- Ground School – Campers learn how to groom, saddle, and handle a horse on the ground.
- Horse Care – Campers learn how to feed, clean tack, clean stalls, and take horses to their paddocks or pastures.
- Games and horsey activities on the ground and in the saddle.
- Each camper participates in a real horse show with ribbons, trophies, and awards.
13113 200th St SE
Snohomish, WA 98296
Cedar Meadow Farm is a peaceful haven for horses where the well being and happiness of the horses is paramount. The property has been carefully set up to give the horses constant access to the outdoors with ample turnout. Every stall has a large attached mud-free run, and there are many grass turnout pastures so that the horses can spend their days outside.
The stalls are all 12x12 box stalls with rubber mats and bedded with shavings. Each stall has an attached large run at least 36 feet long. The runs have been graded to ensure proper drainage, and they all have mud free footing. The stalls are cleaned seven days a week. Water is provided in buckets so that water intake can be monitored for each horse, and the water is changed and cleaned daily.
Premium quality hay is fed three times daily. Grain is also included in board, and supplements are fed at no extra charge. Blanketing is also included.
There is 24 hour supervision of the farm.
Cedar Meadow FarmSnohomish, WA 98296
(360) 453-7196
cedarmeadowfarm@gmail.comCedar Meadow Farm is a peaceful haven for horses where the well being and happiness of the horses is paramount. The property has been carefully set up to give the horses constant access to the outdoors with ample turnout. Every stall has a large attached mud-free run, and there are many grass turnout pastures so that the horses can spend their days outside.
The stalls are all 12x12 box stalls with rubber mats and bedded with shavings. Each stall has an attached large run at least 36 feet long. The runs have been graded to ensure proper drainage, and they all have mud free footing. The stalls are cleaned seven days a week. Water is provided in buckets so that water intake can be monitored for each horse, and the water is changed and cleaned daily.
Premium quality hay is fed three times daily. Grain is also included in board, and supplements are fed at no extra charge. Blanketing is also included.
There is 24 hour supervision of the farm.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables
13113 200th St SE
Snohomish, WA 98296
Beautiful facility with indoor and outdoor arenas, including a full sized outdoor dressage court. 12x12 stalls with mats and mud free runs. Grass turnout pastures. Premium hay fed 3 times daily. Blanketing, turnout, and grain feeding included with board. Quality care.
Corbett StablesSnohomish, WA 98296
(360) 453-7196
cedarmeadowfarm@gmail.comBeautiful facility with indoor and outdoor arenas, including a full sized outdoor dressage court. 12x12 stalls with mats and mud free runs. Grass turnout pastures. Premium hay fed 3 times daily. Blanketing, turnout, and grain feeding included with board. Quality care.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
830 Sunnyside Blvd SE
98258 Lake Stevens WA
For over 50 years, Corbett Stables has been located in Washington state training, instructing, and producing champion horses, ponies, and riders. Specializing in the juvenile and adult amateur rider. Our goal is to develop each rider's individual potential and help them attain their personal horsemanship goals, all the while emphasizing fun and safety in a family friendly environment.
We offer training and riding instruction in saddleseat, huntseat, western, and driving on your own horse or on one of our safe and reliable school horses.
98258 Lake Stevens WA
(425) 327-8970
troyc@corbettstables.netFor over 50 years, Corbett Stables has been located in Washington state training, instructing, and producing champion horses, ponies, and riders. Specializing in the juvenile and adult amateur rider. Our goal is to develop each rider's individual potential and help them attain their personal horsemanship goals, all the while emphasizing fun and safety in a family friendly environment.
We offer training and riding instruction in saddleseat, huntseat, western, and driving on your own horse or on one of our safe and reliable school horses.
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