Whatcom County, Washington Horse Directory
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Animals as Natural Therapy - ANT

Visit Animals as Natural Therapy - ANT's Facebook Page
721 Van Wyck Road
Bellingham, WA 98226
(360) 671-3509
animalsasnaturaltherapy@comcast.netAnimals as Natural Therapy provides opportunities for children who have experienced an extra dose of life's challenges to work with and care for animals; thus building trust and relationship skills that can enhance their human relationships.
2422 E Badger Rd
Everson, WA 98247
Foundation Quarter Horses & Paints.
Mt Baker ClydesdalesNational Chincoteague Pony Association - NCPAEverson, WA 98247
(360) 966-4677
Keranaho@att.netFoundation Quarter Horses & Paints.
- Paint Horse Farms
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Miniature Horse Farms and Stallions
- Art
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
2595 Jensen Rd
Bellingham, WA 98226
World's first Chincoteague Pony registry. Founded in the mid 80's with three Chincoteague ponies purchased at the Chincoteague Island, VA's pony auction in the mid 1970s.
Chincoteague Pony farm in Belllingham, WA.
Sell ponies, register ponies, and please join the Chincoteague Pony Club and become a member.
We are a non-profit organization - giving back to America.
Northwest ClydesdalesBellingham, WA 98226
(360) 671-8338
(360) 734-0654
gale@pony-chincoteague.comWorld's first Chincoteague Pony registry. Founded in the mid 80's with three Chincoteague ponies purchased at the Chincoteague Island, VA's pony auction in the mid 1970s.
Chincoteague Pony farm in Belllingham, WA.
Sell ponies, register ponies, and please join the Chincoteague Pony Club and become a member.
We are a non-profit organization - giving back to America.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Chincoteague Pony Breeders and Stallions
- Chincoteague Pony Organizations
6960 Northwest Drive
Ferndale, WA 98248
Quality draft horses.
Okjen FarmFerndale, WA 98248
(360) 384-3006
ed@nwclydes.comQuality draft horses.
2263 E Hemmi Rd
Bellingham, WA 98226
Breeders, importer, training, and stud service. Home of champion Friesian horses. We stand one of the highest awarded Friesian stallions in the history of the breed in dressage. We own and bred the 2007-2008 National Champion fillies.
Reinbow RanchBellingham, WA 98226
(360) 966-4407
linda@okjenfarm.comBreeders, importer, training, and stud service. Home of champion Friesian horses. We stand one of the highest awarded Friesian stallions in the history of the breed in dressage. We own and bred the 2007-2008 National Champion fillies.
- Friesian Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- New Forest Pony Breeders and Stallions
4604 Rural Avenue
Bellingham, WA
From draft horse-drawn passenger wagons to elegant carriages, Reinbow Ranch offers a mode of transportation for special occasions and suitable for every age.
Whatcom StablesBoot Lady, TheBellingham, WA
(360) 671-3377
From draft horse-drawn passenger wagons to elegant carriages, Reinbow Ranch offers a mode of transportation for special occasions and suitable for every age.
Lynden, WA 98264
Custom dyed boots, belts, jeans and spur straps to match western show and rodeo outfits. Fleece lined western boots also available to protect your investment.
Broken Auger Farm(360) 935-0114
thebootlady@aol.comCustom dyed boots, belts, jeans and spur straps to match western show and rodeo outfits. Fleece lined western boots also available to protect your investment.
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