Deerfield, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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A.N.D. Stables

Visit A.N.D. Stables' Facebook Page
1640 Hwy 12 & 18
Deerfield, WI 53531
(608) 764-8549
andstables.anita@gmail.comA. N. D. Stables is a 42 stall boarding and training facility with daily turnout, an indoor and 2 outdoor arenas, a wash stall, many acres to ride on, a trainer, an on-site owner/manager, and lots of TLC for the horses. We welcome all disciplines and breeds here, from draft horses to ponies and everything in between. Our trainer teaches riding in a variety of styles. We give lessons to students from beginners to upper levels. We show, give lessons, and train Class A Arabians. We are involved in Quarter Horse, Paint, and Appaloosa Circuits, and we go to dressage shows. We have very nice lesson horses and many show horses available for 1/2 lease. We have fun shows, dressage classes, group lessons, trail rides, picnics, and other fun activities throughout the year. We have private & group lessons and training available from ground manners to upper level showing. We also have many nice horses available for 1/2 lease, so you can come ride any time you want. The leased horses have their
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Horse Training Stables
- Horse Leasing Stables

Visit Dun Factory, The / Bluveld's Facebook Page
Deerfield, WI 53531
(608) 577-8353
dunfactory@yahoo.comHome of Gotta Dun Deal, dunskin quarter horse stallion.
1445 Kraby Drive
Office: 2581 Simpson Drive
Deerfield, WI 53531
Gail J. Kelln and Wayne H. Kiehnau are working from Valley Sport Horse LLC, a private full service facility 5 minutes away from eastside Madison, Wisconsin, and are accepting a limited number of students and training horses. We utilize the original natural horsemanship, "classical dressage".
Webahorse / BluveldOffice: 2581 Simpson Drive
Deerfield, WI 53531
(608) 839-0727
letcinc@charter.netGail J. Kelln and Wayne H. Kiehnau are working from Valley Sport Horse LLC, a private full service facility 5 minutes away from eastside Madison, Wisconsin, and are accepting a limited number of students and training horses. We utilize the original natural horsemanship, "classical dressage".
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