Watertown, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Karen's Quarter Horse and Buckskin RanchRising Star Stable

N600 Rusk Rd
Watertown, WI 53098
(262) 483-8555
CassieJ_1988@hotmail.comHunter/jumper boarding, lessons, training, and showing. Whether you've never ridden a horse or have competed on the A circuit, we can customize a program to suit your needs. We have lesson horses available if you don't have your own, and boarding, leasing, or trailering in are also options. We have a fun social atmosphere, from bonfires to holiday activities, but also have a competitive side as we put on our monthly horse shows. We compete from the local circuit to the A circuit, but I'm also dedicated to teaching a bonding relationship between horse and rider. Beautiful outdoor and indoor arenas, trails, and an exciting social atmosphere. Please call or add us on Facebook.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Hunter Jumper Stables
- Riding Instructors
- Horse Leasing Stables
W7712 W Clymet Rd
Watertown, WI 53098
Consignment store offering quality used and new horse tack.
Watertown, WI 53098
(920) 988-2728
(920) 285-9951
jean.l.carlson@gmail.comConsignment store offering quality used and new horse tack.
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