Colfax, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Bronken Creek
E8431 1015th Ave
Colfax, WI 54730
Quality horse retirement in western Wisconsin.
Our facility boards only non-working horses. Residents live a consistent, relaxing, quiet, and stress-free lifestyle. We offer both semi-private outdoor board and stall board with semi-private or private turnout. Board rate includes hoof trimming, deworming, grooming & annual vet check/vaccines. Customizing your horse's care is expected! Happiness and trust is our goal - for both you and your horse.
Colfax, WI 54730
(715) 817-5558
info@bronkencreek.comQuality horse retirement in western Wisconsin.
Our facility boards only non-working horses. Residents live a consistent, relaxing, quiet, and stress-free lifestyle. We offer both semi-private outdoor board and stall board with semi-private or private turnout. Board rate includes hoof trimming, deworming, grooming & annual vet check/vaccines. Customizing your horse's care is expected! Happiness and trust is our goal - for both you and your horse.
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