Osseo, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Copper Horse Stable & Farm LLC
Osseo, WI 54758
55-acre horse farm in a rural setting with no nearby highways, some wooded trails on-site, and beautiful nearby trails that go from just a few miles to 34+ miles. Flat-rate board. We care for your horse the way YOU want us to. Large outdoor riding arena. Small. Personable, mature horse owners.
(888) 839-5526
(715) 529-1401
CoprHrs@yahoo.com55-acre horse farm in a rural setting with no nearby highways, some wooded trails on-site, and beautiful nearby trails that go from just a few miles to 34+ miles. Flat-rate board. We care for your horse the way YOU want us to. Large outdoor riding arena. Small. Personable, mature horse owners.
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