Lincoln County, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Blue Haven StablesJericho Creek Farm II / Northwoods Training Center
N 8075 Behling Rd
Tomahawk, WI 54487
Jericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
Merrill Riders ClubTomahawk, WI 54487
(715) 453-9321
morabrep@yahoo.comJericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
Merrill, WI 54452
Merrill Rider's Club offers horse owning families/individuals an opportunity to participate in a club dedicated, for over 25 years, to providing affordable speed events to the community. Speed events/gymkanas that offer competition in a safe environment to learn (or win) in one of the best speed arenas in the area.
(715) 536-6132
MerrillRiders@gmail.comMerrill Rider's Club offers horse owning families/individuals an opportunity to participate in a club dedicated, for over 25 years, to providing affordable speed events to the community. Speed events/gymkanas that offer competition in a safe environment to learn (or win) in one of the best speed arenas in the area.
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