Wausau, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Amadeus Arabian SporthorsesAmadeus Arabian SporthorsesStable Hands, Inc. Therapeutic Riding

Visit Stable Hands, Inc. Therapeutic Riding's Facebook Page
Mailing Address:
3501 Swan Ave
Wausau, WI 54401
(715) 359-6046
dabitz@stablehandstherapy.comStable Hands is a non-profit therapeutic riding program in central Wisconsin serving special needs adults and children with innovative horse activities.
2406 North 60th Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401
FHANA registered Friesians. Small Friesian breeding farm located in Central Wisconsin. Our Friesians are FHANA approved and registered. Being ridden in dressage and on the trail. Check our website for current sales list.
Lazy Horse Quarter HorsesWausau, WI 54401
(715) 551-4534
skylinefarms@yahoo.comFHANA registered Friesians. Small Friesian breeding farm located in Central Wisconsin. Our Friesians are FHANA approved and registered. Being ridden in dressage and on the trail. Check our website for current sales list.
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