Monroe County, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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DB Jones Saddlery
6270 State Hwy 27
Sparta, WI 54656
Custom saddles, saddle repair, tack, chaps, and gun leather. Trained by John Bianchi. Old west and modern style and mounted shooting holsters and belts.
Ebony Clydes and Hereford cattleSparta, WI 54656
(715) 896-3367
bev@dbjonessaddlery.comCustom saddles, saddle repair, tack, chaps, and gun leather. Trained by John Bianchi. Old west and modern style and mounted shooting holsters and belts.

Visit Ebony Clydes and Hereford cattle's Facebook Page
8156 Dolphin Rd
Tomah, WI 54660
(608) 343-2613
(608) 343-2615
ebonyclydes@localnet.comWe are a farm family breeding, raising, showing, and selling registered black Clydesdale horses and Polled Hereford cattle. We stand 2 stallions to the public. We also operate a horse motel for those needing a place to hang their halter for a night while on a long distance trip.
- Clydesdale Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Driving Stables
- Horse Hotels / Overnight Boarding
Kendall, WI 54638
Country style bed and breakfast with horseback riding.
(608) 463-7693
theuer@centurytel.netCountry style bed and breakfast with horseback riding.
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