Burlington, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Knolland Farm

Visit Knolland Farm's Facebook Page
5102 Cranberry Rd
Burlington, WI 53105
(847) 767-0675
(262) 763-2864
Ebjenner@gmail.comEquine retirement facility. Pasture board (with multiple shelters and heated waterers) $425 per month including annual vaccines and farrier service approximately every other month or as needed.
2623 Maple Road
Burlington, WI 53105
Willow Creek Ranch Inc. is a non-profit therapeutic riding center for children and adults with disabilities located in Burlington, Wisconsin. We are a member of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association - NARHA.
Burlington, WI 53105
(262) 806-4080
info@willowcreekranch.orgWillow Creek Ranch Inc. is a non-profit therapeutic riding center for children and adults with disabilities located in Burlington, Wisconsin. We are a member of the North American Riding for the Handicapped Association - NARHA.
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