Racine County, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Blue Sky Farm
Kansasville, WI 53139
Blue Sky Farm, est. 2004, is a horse farm in southen Wisconsin offering horse stables and riding lessons to the greater Chicago area. Owned and operated by John A. Krupinski and Danielle Dietrich Krupinski, who has over 19 years of experience...
Carriage Hill Driving Center(262) 878-1868
info@blueskyfarm.netBlue Sky Farm, est. 2004, is a horse farm in southen Wisconsin offering horse stables and riding lessons to the greater Chicago area. Owned and operated by John A. Krupinski and Danielle Dietrich Krupinski, who has over 19 years of experience...
Racine, WI 53402
Carriage Hill Driving Center accepts individuals and horses for instruction and training for the sport of carriage driving, whether it be for competition or recreational driving. CH teaches in a classical manner with strong dressage basics concerning the well being of the horse and safety for the driver.
Linda is a successful competitor, proving the effectiveness and validity of the classical principles and methods in the modern show arena.
Classical dressage training, whether riding or driving, preserves the horse's soundness and happiness, all the while developing the horse systematically according to time-honored and tested principles based on biomechanics and psychology of the horse. We do not discriminate horses based on breed or sex, provided their movement and gaits are suitable for dressage and their temperament is willing, generous, and suitable for the Carriage Hill Classical Training program.
Please call or email Linda above with any questions.
(414) 803-5114
lblock@execpc.comCarriage Hill Driving Center accepts individuals and horses for instruction and training for the sport of carriage driving, whether it be for competition or recreational driving. CH teaches in a classical manner with strong dressage basics concerning the well being of the horse and safety for the driver.
Linda is a successful competitor, proving the effectiveness and validity of the classical principles and methods in the modern show arena.
Classical dressage training, whether riding or driving, preserves the horse's soundness and happiness, all the while developing the horse systematically according to time-honored and tested principles based on biomechanics and psychology of the horse. We do not discriminate horses based on breed or sex, provided their movement and gaits are suitable for dressage and their temperament is willing, generous, and suitable for the Carriage Hill Classical Training program.
Please call or email Linda above with any questions.
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