Waukesha County, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Chicago Equestrian
PO Box 222
Hartland, WI 53029
The website for keeping tabs on the horse industry. News, events, contacts, and marketing services for southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.
Day DressageHartland, WI 53029
(312) 715-7433
info@ChicagoEquestrian.comThe website for keeping tabs on the horse industry. News, events, contacts, and marketing services for southern Wisconsin and northern Illinois.
1324 S 124th
Brookfield, WI 53214
Dressage training, lessons, and clinics. USDF Bronze & Silver Medalist and USDF Bronze & Silver Freestyle Bar Award winner. Training & teaching for 25yrs. I enjoy teaching all breeds, ages, and levels. In addition to traveling to the farms listed on my website, I will also travel throughout Wisconsin and Illinois. School horses available. Lunge lessons available.
Dream A HorseBrookfield, WI 53214
(414) 403-8491
sdaydressage04@yahoo.comDressage training, lessons, and clinics. USDF Bronze & Silver Medalist and USDF Bronze & Silver Freestyle Bar Award winner. Training & teaching for 25yrs. I enjoy teaching all breeds, ages, and levels. In addition to traveling to the farms listed on my website, I will also travel throughout Wisconsin and Illinois. School horses available. Lunge lessons available.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Dressage Stables
- Horse Training Stables
- Riding Instructors

Visit Dream A Horse's Facebook Page
211 N. Rochester Street #11
Mukwonago, WI 53149
(262) 470-3860
dreamahorse@gmail.comPony parties for kids. Every child's dream party. Imagine a white "unicorn" pony that you can ride, paint, and brush at your very own party... Call now for reservations.
Waukesha, WI 53189
Equine Inspired Touch offers full body sports massage for any horse, any age, in any discipline. With massage therapy, I can help your horse gain freedom in movement, which will improve the quality of their gait, range of motion, and overall well being. Massage work relieves stress, muscle tension, spasms, and adhesions, which in turn increases circulation and muscle tone. If you are experiencing trouble with bending, wrong leads, head tossing, "crankiness", girthiness, or just lack of impulsion issues, massage therapy can help bring harmony back to your partnership.
Servicing SE Wisconsin counties.
Hollow Haven Farm(262) 893-5733
equineinspired@hotmail.comEquine Inspired Touch offers full body sports massage for any horse, any age, in any discipline. With massage therapy, I can help your horse gain freedom in movement, which will improve the quality of their gait, range of motion, and overall well being. Massage work relieves stress, muscle tension, spasms, and adhesions, which in turn increases circulation and muscle tone. If you are experiencing trouble with bending, wrong leads, head tossing, "crankiness", girthiness, or just lack of impulsion issues, massage therapy can help bring harmony back to your partnership.
Servicing SE Wisconsin counties.
N77W36498 Saddlebrook Lane
Oconomowoc, WI 53066
Specializing in training, sales, and equestrian instruction with American Saddlebreds.
Horse Power Healing CenterOconomowoc, WI 53066
(920) 474-4704
lfreseth@hollowhaven.comSpecializing in training, sales, and equestrian instruction with American Saddlebreds.

Visit Horse Power Healing Center's Facebook Page
S 101 W34628 Hwy LO
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-3667
(262) 470-3299
morabrep@yahoo.comOur mission is "To provide all individuals who are physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged with healing empowerment through horses. Equine-oriented activities help facilitate the ability of individuals to reach their full potential by enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence." We offer small group therapeutic horseback riding lessons, an equine learning program for non-riders, individual private therapeutic riding lessons, "Horses 4 Heroes" program for veterans, firefighters/EMTs, law enforcement officers, Critical Care, pediatric, and hospice nurses, and special education teachers and their family members and "Horses for Hope", a program for children and adults diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Muskego, WI 53150
Hayley Lesch has been into horses since the age of 5. Now at the age of 17, she owns her own Moresian gelding. She has trained with many top level trainers such as Eileen Webb, Kathy Findley, and Jodi Holliday. She has competed at local shows doing English and western pleasure. She also is doing 1st and 2nd level dressage with her 5 year old Moresian gelding. She has studied Parelli natural horsemanship and is very good with horses on the ground. She will give lessons to any age group and any discipline. If you have any questions, feel free to contact her at the email above.
Jericho Creek Farm I(414) 807-5353
moresianlover26@yahoo.comHayley Lesch has been into horses since the age of 5. Now at the age of 17, she owns her own Moresian gelding. She has trained with many top level trainers such as Eileen Webb, Kathy Findley, and Jodi Holliday. She has competed at local shows doing English and western pleasure. She also is doing 1st and 2nd level dressage with her 5 year old Moresian gelding. She has studied Parelli natural horsemanship and is very good with horses on the ground. She will give lessons to any age group and any discipline. If you have any questions, feel free to contact her at the email above.
S 101 W 43628 Hwy LO
Eagle, WI 53119
Jericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
Laacke & Joys: Hall SaddleryEagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-3667
jc1morab@hotmail.comJericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
19255 W Bluemound Rd
Brookfield, WI 53045
Hall Saddlery is the sports store for equestrians. We have a large selection of English and Western riding equipment and apparel at our Milwaukee, Wisconsin, store. Our products include horseback riding boots, pants, helmets, show clothing, and tack.
LifeStridersBrookfield, WI 53045
(262) 782-4499
Hall Saddlery is the sports store for equestrians. We have a large selection of English and Western riding equipment and apparel at our Milwaukee, Wisconsin, store. Our products include horseback riding boots, pants, helmets, show clothing, and tack.

Visit LifeStriders' Facebook Page
S11 W29667 Summit Avenue (US HWY 18)
Waukesha, WI 53188
(262) 565-6124
striders@lifestriders.orgLifeStriders Therapeutic Riding Center in the town of Delafield offers therapeutic riding, counseling, youth programs, and social skills classes to the community.
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