Eagle, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Horse Power Healing Center

Visit Horse Power Healing Center's Facebook Page
S 101 W34628 Hwy LO
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-3667
(262) 470-3299
morabrep@yahoo.comOur mission is "To provide all individuals who are physically, mentally, or emotionally challenged with healing empowerment through horses. Equine-oriented activities help facilitate the ability of individuals to reach their full potential by enhancing self-esteem and self-confidence." We offer small group therapeutic horseback riding lessons, an equine learning program for non-riders, individual private therapeutic riding lessons, "Horses 4 Heroes" program for veterans, firefighters/EMTs, law enforcement officers, Critical Care, pediatric, and hospice nurses, and special education teachers and their family members and "Horses for Hope", a program for children and adults diagnosed with a terminal illness.
S 101 W 43628 Hwy LO
Eagle, WI 53119
Jericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
Eagle, WI 53119
(262) 594-3667
jc1morab@hotmail.comJericho Creek Morab, Morgan and Arabian Farm. Dedicated to preserving the history of the Morab breed. There are two farms located in Wisconsin and one farm in California. Horses for sale, horse training, stallions at stud and horse showing available.
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