Waukesha, Wisconsin Horse Directory
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Equine Inspired Touch
Waukesha, WI 53189
Equine Inspired Touch offers full body sports massage for any horse, any age, in any discipline. With massage therapy, I can help your horse gain freedom in movement, which will improve the quality of their gait, range of motion, and overall well being. Massage work relieves stress, muscle tension, spasms, and adhesions, which in turn increases circulation and muscle tone. If you are experiencing trouble with bending, wrong leads, head tossing, "crankiness", girthiness, or just lack of impulsion issues, massage therapy can help bring harmony back to your partnership.
Servicing SE Wisconsin counties.
LifeStriders(262) 893-5733
equineinspired@hotmail.comEquine Inspired Touch offers full body sports massage for any horse, any age, in any discipline. With massage therapy, I can help your horse gain freedom in movement, which will improve the quality of their gait, range of motion, and overall well being. Massage work relieves stress, muscle tension, spasms, and adhesions, which in turn increases circulation and muscle tone. If you are experiencing trouble with bending, wrong leads, head tossing, "crankiness", girthiness, or just lack of impulsion issues, massage therapy can help bring harmony back to your partnership.
Servicing SE Wisconsin counties.

Visit LifeStriders' Facebook Page
S11 W29667 Summit Avenue (US HWY 18)
Waukesha, WI 53188
(262) 565-6124
striders@lifestriders.orgLifeStriders Therapeutic Riding Center in the town of Delafield offers therapeutic riding, counseling, youth programs, and social skills classes to the community.

Visit Midwest Thermal Imaging - Equine Thermography's Facebook Page
2607 N Grandview Blvd Ste 150
Waukesha, WI 53188
(920) 650-3119
midwestthermalimaging@gmail.comThermal Imaging is a diagnostic tool that Midwest Thermal Imaging uses for early detection of animal disease. Thermography can detect physiologic changes that accompany early identification of musculoskeletal and neurological injuries.
If you feel that something isn't quite right with your pet, thermography can help you pinpoint the problem. We work with you and/or your veterinarian to find the problem before the symptoms are obvious. Thermography can help diagnose the causes and sources of your pet's discomfort including:
- Infection
- Inflammation
- Soft tissue (tendons and muscles) problems
- Joint problem
- Nervous system dysfunction
- Saddle Fitting
- Pre-Purchase scan
Explore our website to learn more, or contact us to develop a plan of action for your pet.
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