Argentina Horse Directory
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Ride Andes

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00 593 99 738 221
Specialist riding company offering horseback riding holidays in South America: Ecuador, Uruguay & across the Andes. Riding safaris between the haciendas & estancias of the Andes, along the coast of Uruguay, accompanied by a bilingual guide & skilled local horsemen. Private & set date departures.
Quesada 2701
1429 Buenos Aires BA
Providing traditional gaucho clothing from Argentina and Uruguay. We specialise in the original bombacha trousers and alpargata (espadrilles) shoes as well as other clothing related items like boinas and belts.
Mark Withington & Cia Real Estate1429 Buenos Aires BA
info@gauchoclothes.comProviding traditional gaucho clothing from Argentina and Uruguay. We specialise in the original bombacha trousers and alpargata (espadrilles) shoes as well as other clothing related items like boinas and belts.
Pasaje Rossi 1089
6700 Lujan Bs As
Polo ranches and horse farms in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Real estate agent owner offers polo ranches and horse farms for sale. Also, seasonal rentals in one of the most polo populated fields of the world in Open Door, Buenos Aires, Argentina; over 120 polo fields in a 10 mile radius.
Polo Equipment6700 Lujan Bs As
Polo ranches and horse farms in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Real estate agent owner offers polo ranches and horse farms for sale. Also, seasonal rentals in one of the most polo populated fields of the world in Open Door, Buenos Aires, Argentina; over 120 polo fields in a 10 mile radius.
Oribe 1734
Oribe 1740
1714 Buenos Aires Ituzaingo
We manufacture leather and nylon polo and equestrian whips.
Oribe 1740
1714 Buenos Aires Ituzaingo
5411 4481 2636
5411 4481 4068
info@polo-equipment.comWe manufacture leather and nylon polo and equestrian whips.
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