North America Horse Books Directory
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Anna Jane White-Mullin
Gadsden, AL
Anna Jane White-Mullin, who has held a "Big R" license with the USEF for more than 30 years, provides free information on training, showing, and judging hunters and hunter-seat equitation. The site includes a weekly blog, horse articles, horse videos, how-to videos, and horse forums.
Art for the Horse LoverAnna Jane White-Mullin, who has held a "Big R" license with the USEF for more than 30 years, provides free information on training, showing, and judging hunters and hunter-seat equitation. The site includes a weekly blog, horse articles, horse videos, how-to videos, and horse forums.
P.O. Box 1903
Canon City, CO 81212
Hi, my name is Phyllis Waltman, and I have just written a pictorial book about the first day in the life of a wild mustang baby, Little Sunny, entitled 'Sunny Boy and Little Sunny'. You can see an excerpt from the book by going to my website. Thank you!
Carol Popp / Hidden Bridge FarmCanon City, CO 81212
(719) 276-0155
SunnyBoyandLittleSunny@gmail.comHi, my name is Phyllis Waltman, and I have just written a pictorial book about the first day in the life of a wild mustang baby, Little Sunny, entitled 'Sunny Boy and Little Sunny'. You can see an excerpt from the book by going to my website. Thank you!
29 Ramapoo Road
Ridgefield, CT 06877
Carol Popp is a classical dressage trainer specializing in the methods used at the Spanish Riding School. She is available to give lessons from beginner to Grand Prix, including work in hand, long lines, and airs above ground. See her newly published book about the development of the seat and saddles, "Form Follows Function".
Carole's Real HorsemanshipRidgefield, CT 06877
(203) 438-3459
cpopp25@comcast.netCarol Popp is a classical dressage trainer specializing in the methods used at the Spanish Riding School. She is available to give lessons from beginner to Grand Prix, including work in hand, long lines, and airs above ground. See her newly published book about the development of the seat and saddles, "Form Follows Function".
- Books
- Lipizzaner Breeders and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Dressage Stables
Box 8
Monticello, NM 87939
I give seminars on real horsemanship, write a blog, and share photos. Please visit my web store.
CL PaintsClip Clop Club, TheMonticello, NM 87939
I give seminars on real horsemanship, write a blog, and share photos. Please visit my web store.
Redmond, WA 98053
For girls who dream about horses. The Clip Clop Club publishes greeting cards, stationary, books and more for girls who knows what it means to be horse-crazy!
Complete Guide to Hunter Seat Training, Showing, and Judging, The(425) 281-2100
clipclopclub@gmail.comFor girls who dream about horses. The Clip Clop Club publishes greeting cards, stationary, books and more for girls who knows what it means to be horse-crazy!
Gadsden, AL
Recently listed as "recommended reading" by the USEF and United States Pony Clubs, the book presents detailed information on training, showing, and judging hunters and hunter seat equitation.
Donna Campbell SmithRecently listed as "recommended reading" by the USEF and United States Pony Clubs, the book presents detailed information on training, showing, and judging hunters and hunter seat equitation.
PO Box 1372
Wake Forest, NC 27588
Equine journalist, author of five books about horses, and frequent contributor to horse magazines. Donna writes from her home in Franklin County, NC.
Dressage Training with Jacqueline Macdonald JacobsWake Forest, NC 27588
(919) 494-5945
donnacsmith_1@hotmail.comEquine journalist, author of five books about horses, and frequent contributor to horse magazines. Donna writes from her home in Franklin County, NC.

Visit Dressage Training with Jacqueline Macdonald Jacobs' Facebook Page
If you're looking for a dressage instructor who can work with a rider and horse of any level, you are looking for Jacqui Jacobs.
A USDF Silver Medalist and credentialed by the British Horse Society, Jacqui can help you reach your dressage training goals so that you can become the confident and capable dressage rider that you seek to become.
Jacqui offers several training options to suit your needs.

Visit Heart and Soul Equine's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 1338
Santa Clara, CA 95052
(408) 984-7440
sandi@heartandsoulequine.comSandi Bell - Author of "Before the 'Crop' Comes Out". Offering consulting services, workshops, and instruction to children, youth, and new and returning horse owners.