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Nevzorov Haute Ecole
High school of horse upbringing set up by Alexander Nevzorov. Its basic principle is working with a horse that is absolutely free without any means of coercion.
The school strives for the utmost development of the natural horse's talents and its mental & physical abilities as well as establishing discipline and understanding in relationships and dialogue with the horse.
March 2009 marks the release of the first issue of the professional hippological School journal "Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology".
What is the horse? Who are we to horses? What in actual truth happens between a horse and a human?
When we are asked what our journal is about, we always say that "Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology" is a journal about love and hate. The fact is that the school, which has always possessed a special knowledge, can speak about love from a scientific point of view and speak about hate with the confidence of victory over it.
High school of horse upbringing set up by Alexander Nevzorov. Its basic principle is working with a horse that is absolutely free without any means of coercion.
The school strives for the utmost development of the natural horse's talents and its mental & physical abilities as well as establishing discipline and understanding in relationships and dialogue with the horse.
March 2009 marks the release of the first issue of the professional hippological School journal "Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology".
What is the horse? Who are we to horses? What in actual truth happens between a horse and a human?
When we are asked what our journal is about, we always say that "Nevzorov Haute Ecole Equine Anthology" is a journal about love and hate. The fact is that the school, which has always possessed a special knowledge, can speak about love from a scientific point of view and speak about hate with the confidence of victory over it.