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Bits N' Bridles 4H Club

Visit Bits N' Bridles 4H Club's Facebook Page
Bits N' Bridles 4H Club meets monthly in southern Chester County, PA. Youth between the ages of 8 - 18 can join. It is not necessary to own a horse to join. Activities include educational meetings, camps, trail rides, field trips, clinics, community service, and horse shows. Fun and learning while practicing proper horsemanship skills and safety.
Encore Farms
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Bits N' Bridles 4H Club

Visit Bits N' Bridles 4H Club's Facebook Page
(484) 753-2716
(610) 930-6773
labequestrian@yahoo.comBits N' Bridles 4H Club meets monthly in southern Chester County, PA. Youth between the ages of 8 - 18 can join. It is not necessary to own a horse to join. Activities include educational meetings, camps, trail rides, field trips, clinics, community service, and horse shows. Fun and learning while practicing proper horsemanship skills and safety.
Dillsburg, PA 17019
Do you have an interest in horses?
Need to board your best friend?
Encore Farms offers:
- Boarding
- Lessons
- Sale Prospects
- Training
Join us for the winter in our INDOOR riding arena or in the summer in one of our 4 outdoor rings with full jump courses.
We offer hunter/jumper and western lessons all year round.
Located behind the Diamond 7 Show arena.
Call us about anything at the number above and talk to Shira.
(717) 756-3019
Do you have an interest in horses?
Need to board your best friend?
Encore Farms offers:
- Boarding
- Lessons
- Sale Prospects
- Training
Join us for the winter in our INDOOR riding arena or in the summer in one of our 4 outdoor rings with full jump courses.
We offer hunter/jumper and western lessons all year round.
Located behind the Diamond 7 Show arena.
Call us about anything at the number above and talk to Shira.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
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- Hunter Jumper Stables
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