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Bits N' Bridles 4H Club

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Bits N' Bridles 4H Club meets monthly in southern Chester County, PA. Youth between the ages of 8 - 18 can join. It is not necessary to own a horse to join. Activities include educational meetings, camps, trail rides, field trips, clinics, community service, and horse shows. Fun and learning while practicing proper horsemanship skills and safety.
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Bits N' Bridles 4H Club

Visit Bits N' Bridles 4H Club's Facebook Page
(484) 753-2716
(610) 930-6773
labequestrian@yahoo.comBits N' Bridles 4H Club meets monthly in southern Chester County, PA. Youth between the ages of 8 - 18 can join. It is not necessary to own a horse to join. Activities include educational meetings, camps, trail rides, field trips, clinics, community service, and horse shows. Fun and learning while practicing proper horsemanship skills and safety.