Maple Ridge, British Columbia Horse Rescue Organizations Directory
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J&M Acres Horse Rescue

Visit J&M Acres Horse Rescue's Facebook Page
13455 224th Street
Maple Ridge BC V4R 2P6
(604) 466-9179
diggermac@gmail.comJ&M Acres, located in Maple Ridge, BC, began in 1995 with the rescue of a badly abused, old horse, dubbed "Lucky", that was being run through the auction for slaughter.
Since then, we have purchased over 300 horses destined for slaughter and placed them in good homes. We have all breeds of horses and all ages, from 6 months to 36 years old, that have gone on to live happy, productive lives.
Unlike other horse rescues, J&M is not a retirement home. At J&M Acres, our aim is to get as many horses as possible off the meat truck and into good homes.
Most of our horses come from racetracks and auctions. We do our best to bring home as many horses as possible that we can work with in order to give better lives to them.
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