Ontario Horse Rescue Organizations Directory
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Heaven Can Wait Equine Rescue - HCW
95 Cameron Road
Cameron ON K0M1G0
Heaven Can Wait Equine Rescue is located in Cameron, Ontario, Canada - approx 1.5 hours NE of Toronto, just 10 minutes North of Lindsay. This equine rescue was started by Claire Malcolm in 1997 to help save horses and ponies from slaughter, take in any unwanted horse or pony, and find each of them a new, loving home. Please visit our web page for further details, including a list of horses, ponies and donkeys available for adoption and fostering.
LongRun Thoroughbred Retirement SocietyCameron ON K0M1G0
(705) 359-3766
HCWEquineRescue@sympatico.caHeaven Can Wait Equine Rescue is located in Cameron, Ontario, Canada - approx 1.5 hours NE of Toronto, just 10 minutes North of Lindsay. This equine rescue was started by Claire Malcolm in 1997 to help save horses and ponies from slaughter, take in any unwanted horse or pony, and find each of them a new, loving home. Please visit our web page for further details, including a list of horses, ponies and donkeys available for adoption and fostering.

Visit LongRun Thoroughbred Retirement Society's Facebook Page
555 Rexdale Boulevard
P.O. Box 156
Toronto ON L5B 1R5
(416) 675-3993 x3440
info@longrunretirement.comWe believe that our brave and beautiful thoroughbred racehorses deserve a dignified retirement. Our aim is to offer an alternative to owners and trainers - rather than have horses continue to race that are no longer able to compete, LongRun tries to help by fostering, rehabilitating, and finding these racehorses permanent adoptive homes and alternative careers as pleasure horses or companion animals.
We also aim to educate the Ontario thoroughbred racing community, as well as the public, about these alternatives for retired racehorses through our work.
Our horses are retired and available for adoption! Head over to our website to view available horses and contact us!
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