Los Angeles County, California Horse Rescue Organizations Directory
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Dark Horse Ranch
11350 Orcas Ave
Lake View Terrace, CA 91342
Equine art and horse poetry prints from Barbara Anne Dunn. Equine rescue information.
Exceller Fund, Inc., TheInternational Generic Horse Association - IGHA / HorseAidLake View Terrace, CA 91342
Equine art and horse poetry prints from Barbara Anne Dunn. Equine rescue information.
Post Office Box 6778 - Eastview
San Pedro, CA 90734
Large all-breeds registry and the sole sponsor and founding organization of HorseAid, a large equine rescue and welfare group.
Lifetime Equine RefugeSan Pedro, CA 90734
Large all-breeds registry and the sole sponsor and founding organization of HorseAid, a large equine rescue and welfare group.

Visit Lifetime Equine Refuge's Facebook Page
(310) 439-9817
info@lifetimeequinerefuge.orgLifetime Equine Refuge is the equine rescue and sanctuary program under Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF), a 501c3 nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines. We save lives and provide a second chance to horses in need through rescue, sanctuary, adoption, foster, equine assisted learning, and humane education. We provide rescue horses with medical care, food, shelter, and love. Our rehabilitation and sanctuary program provides permanent residency for those that cannot be re-homed. Through our educational program, we strive to engage the public in learning experiences that inspire lifelong care and humane treatment for equines.
P.O. Box 921708
Sylmar, CA 91392
Saffyre Sanctuary is a rescue and rehabilitation program that cares for horses that have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. We also give horses an opportunity for a second career or a well deserved retirement, due to soundness issues, age, or owner hardships.
Saffyre Sanctuary assists in placing deserving horses into another life. Through our networks, we find them new careers in many disciplines. If they are unable to perform in a new career, we try to find loving homes where they can retire in peace and comfort or serve as companion equines.
Corral of Comfort Horse Rescue Inc.Sylmar, CA 91392
(818) 842-4368
ebsaffyre@yahoo.comSaffyre Sanctuary is a rescue and rehabilitation program that cares for horses that have been abandoned, abused, or neglected. We also give horses an opportunity for a second career or a well deserved retirement, due to soundness issues, age, or owner hardships.
Saffyre Sanctuary assists in placing deserving horses into another life. Through our networks, we find them new careers in many disciplines. If they are unable to perform in a new career, we try to find loving homes where they can retire in peace and comfort or serve as companion equines.
36180 Valley Springs
Palmdale, CA 93550
Abandoned and abused horses headed to slaughter. We need your show of support.
Lifesavers Wild Horse RescuePalmdale, CA 93550
(661) 285-5176
Corralofcomfort@yahoo.comAbandoned and abused horses headed to slaughter. We need your show of support.
23809 East Avenue J
Lancaster, CA 93535
Horse rescue, rehab and retirement ranch dedicated to saving abandoned, abused, neglected and slaughter-bound horses - with our focus on mustangs.
Dude's Ranch Equine Rescue CenterLancaster, CA 93535
(661) 727-0049
lifesavers@wildhorserescue.orgHorse rescue, rehab and retirement ranch dedicated to saving abandoned, abused, neglected and slaughter-bound horses - with our focus on mustangs.
Acton, CA 93510
Horse rescue and charitable organization.
(818) 497-7468
(661) 269-2473
info@dudesranch.comHorse rescue and charitable organization.
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