United States Horse Rescue Organizations Directory
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Last Chance Corral

Visit Last Chance Corral's Facebook Page
5350 US-33 South
Athens, OH 45701
(740) 594-4336
Last Chance Corral exists to see misunderstood or abused animals' anger turn into supple willingness and become again the beautiful creatures they were intended to be.

Visit Lifetime Equine Refuge's Facebook Page
(310) 439-9817
info@lifetimeequinerefuge.orgLifetime Equine Refuge is the equine rescue and sanctuary program under Wild For Life Foundation (WFLF), a 501c3 nonprofit charity dedicated to saving, protecting and preserving wild and domestic equines. We save lives and provide a second chance to horses in need through rescue, sanctuary, adoption, foster, equine assisted learning, and humane education. We provide rescue horses with medical care, food, shelter, and love. Our rehabilitation and sanctuary program provides permanent residency for those that cannot be re-homed. Through our educational program, we strive to engage the public in learning experiences that inspire lifelong care and humane treatment for equines.
PO Box 573
Lebanon, OR 97355
We rescue abused, neglected, and abandon equines in Linn County, Oregon.
We function on donations. All helpers are volunteers - even the board members.
We ask for donations to help the horses. See our website for details or
email us.
Live and Let Live FarmLebanon, OR 97355
(541) 258-3422
linncountyanimalrescue@yahoo.comWe rescue abused, neglected, and abandon equines in Linn County, Oregon.
We function on donations. All helpers are volunteers - even the board members.
We ask for donations to help the horses. See our website for details or
email us.
20 Paradise Lane
Chichester, NH 03258
Our mission at Live and Let Live Farm is to rescue abused and unwanted animals, rehabilitate and/or retrain them, and find them appropriate homes. We are a no-kill shelter. We specialize in equines.
Lone Oak Rescue IncChichester, NH 03258
(603) 798-5615
info@liveandletlivefarm.orgOur mission at Live and Let Live Farm is to rescue abused and unwanted animals, rehabilitate and/or retrain them, and find them appropriate homes. We are a no-kill shelter. We specialize in equines.

Visit Lone Oak Rescue Inc's Facebook Page
Coarsegold, CA 93614
(925) 290-7625
info@loneoakrescue.orgLone Oak Rescue is a charitable 501c3 non-profit organization. Our focus is horse rescue and rehabilitation.
We take in horses who are unable to be kept in their current situation and are often at high risk of going to slaughter.
Some have come from a situation of neglect, abuse, or have just been abandoned. With the current economy, many owners are simply no longer able to care for their horses. We provide a safe haven for these horses, allow them to recover, and re-train them when necessary.
When ready, these horses are adopted out to safe and loving homes. Those not able to be adopted find a permanent home here at Lone Oak.

Visit Makin' Tracks Trail Rides' Facebook Page
15901 NE 137 Court
Fort McCoy, FL 32134
(352) 236-3929
makintrackstrailrides@gmail.comMakin' Tracks Trail Rides is a self funded equine rescue supported by guided trail rides.
Nonprofit horse rescue and rehab facility. Works with SPCA rescues. Offers equine assisted learning and equine facilitated psychotherapy program to people of all ages. All donations are welcome. Horses in need of loving owners.
MidAtlantic Horse Rescuewww.nyhorserescue.net/

Visit MidAtlantic Horse Rescue's Facebook Page
P.O. Box 403
Chesapeake City, MD 21915
(302) 376-7297
bev@midatlantichorserescue.orgMidAtlantic Horse Rescue is dedicated to giving ex-racehorses a brighter future through horse rescue and adoption. We serve the midatlantic region (PA, MD, DE) of the United States.
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