Austin, Texas Horse Rescue Organizations Directory
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Bluebonnet Horse Expo

Visit Bluebonnet Horse Expo's Facebook Page
Travis County Expo Center
7311 Decker Ln
Austin, TX 78724
(888) 542-5163
info@bluebonnethorseexpo.comThe Bluebonnet Horse Expo is a day full of horses: learning, shopping, adopting, and more! The event includes riding and training clinics. The event offers plenty of shopping with a horse-themed art auction, tack sale, live auction of saddles and other equipment, and vendor area.
Attendees can meet approximately 50-60 horses, donkeys, and mules who are available for adoption through Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society. A number of those horses will be showing off their skills in the Bluebonnet Rescue Horse Training Challenge, a training competition in which professional trainers and foster homes have ninety days to work with a rescue horse. Pre-approved adopters will qualify for adoption fee discounts and may take their new horses home from the Expo, while new adopters will have the chance to apply to adopt and reserve the horse(s) they want to take home.
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