United Kingdom Horse Organizations & Associations Directory
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British Horse Industry Confederation, The - BHICSociety of Master Saddlers, The
The official website for The Society of Master Saddlers. Find information on what the society does in the equine industry, the members and officers of the society, and, more specifically, what we can do for the saddle-using public.
British Equestrian Federation - BEFBritish Equestrian Trade Association - BETABritish Horse Society Scotlandwww.mastersaddlers.co.uk/
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- 4-H Clubs (0/0)
- Breed Organizations (1/101)
- Equestrian Sports Organizations (1/41)
- Farrier Organizations (3/1)
- General Horse Clubs (0/0)
- Horse Rescue Organizations (10/1)
- Horse Shows Associations (1/0)
- Instructor Certification (1/2)
- Pony Clubs (2/0)
- Veterinary Organizations (5/0)
- Wild Horse Organizations (0/0)
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