Nassau County, New York Horse Organizations & Associations Directory
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Muttontown Horsemen's Association - MHANassau Suffolk Horseman's Association - NSHA
Promote riding skills, good horsemanship, and the welfare of all horses. Encourage Long Island's horse people to work and play together in their enjoyment of horses and horse sports.
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Look in Nassau County, New York for:
- 4-H Clubs (0/0)
- Breed Organizations (0/101)
- Equestrian Sports Organizations (0/41)
- Farrier Organizations (0/1)
- General Horse Clubs (0/0)
- Horse Rescue Organizations (0/1)
- Horse Shows Associations (0/0)
- Instructor Certification (0/2)
- Pony Clubs (0/0)
- Veterinary Organizations (0/0)
- Wild Horse Organizations (0/0)