Sumner, Maine Horse Carriage Services, Sleigh Rides, and Wagon Rides Directory
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Meadow Creek Farm of Maine

Visit Meadow Creek Farm of Maine's Facebook Page
58 River Road
Sumner, MA 04292
(207) 388-2044
(207) 890-4894
beckyd@megalink.netBill and Ben pull the horse drawn wagon to do rides all over Maine and into N.H. Come to Freeport during the Christmas holiday season and get your free ride with us. Nute and Max haul our beautiful white carriage with bright red velvet seats, perfect for any wedding, anniversary, or special event. Our goal is to please, so let our professionalism make your day the best ever. Also, when the snow starts to fly, come and go for a sleigh ride over the river and through the woods and back again for some nice homemade refreshments and hot chocolate.