Nebraska Horse Barn Restoration Directory
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Laramie Construction

Visit Laramie Construction's Facebook Page
608 House Street
PO Box 717
Avoca, NE 68307
(402) 275-3200
(877) 518-1080
info@laramieconstruction.comComplete barn restoration and barn tinning services. We are a full service residential remodeling company that also specializes in barns. We can fix structure and foundation damage, remodel the barn to make it more usable, or fix it to its original condition. We have door latches that can be opened from inside and out, be locked, and latch in the open position if you need the door kept open. We can do the soffits, fascia, and gutter as well. Have an open loft door? We can get it closed. Give us a call for all your barn restoration needs.
Valparaiso, NE 68065
Schon Construction is an authorized dealer for MDBarnmaster barns in Nebraska. MDBarnmaster barns offer some of the safest horse stalls in the industry. Interior and exterior walls are kick-proof, chew-proof, and darn near fire proof. We can provide design to delivery in as little as eight weeks. For a barn that will be durable and easy to maintain for decades to come, call for a quote today.
(402) 580-0404
(402) 784-9333
troyschn@aol.comSchon Construction is an authorized dealer for MDBarnmaster barns in Nebraska. MDBarnmaster barns offer some of the safest horse stalls in the industry. Interior and exterior walls are kick-proof, chew-proof, and darn near fire proof. We can provide design to delivery in as little as eight weeks. For a barn that will be durable and easy to maintain for decades to come, call for a quote today.
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