Denver, Pennsylvania Horse Barn Builders Directory
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Kaiser Construction Company, Inc.

985 Stone Hill Road
Denver, PA 17517
(717) 336-0211
contact@kaiserbuilds.comKaiser is a premier general contractor for quality and custom buildings in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, and Maryland. We have approximately 65 years of combined experience in equestrian construction, ecclesiastical construction, commercial construction, and residential construction. Kaiser Construction is a general contracting, consulting, and construction management company that is interested in working with you from the design phase through the build phase. Allow us to design and "build your ideas" while incorporating your personal style to transform your visions into reality. Kaiser Construction is an equestrian barn builder that serves PA, NJ, DE, MD, and NY.
Contact us for an estimate, consultation, or information on your next project. Our custom built horse barns, custom indoor riding arenas, and custom commercial buildings can be seen on distinguished locations throughout PA, NJ, DE, MD, and NY.
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