North America Horse Fences Directory
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Arizona Fence Builders - Phoenix Fence Company

Visit Arizona Fence Builders - Phoenix Fence Company's Facebook Page
515 E Carefree Hwy #722
Phoenix, AZ 85058
(602) 850-2106
info@arizonafencebuilders.comWe build and install all types of fencing and specialize in horse fencing products, repair, and installation.
P.O. Box 684
Hopland, CA 95449
Numerous hay & grass feed varieties, including the following:
- Clean Rye Grass - Slight % of Alfalfa
- Second Cut Alfalfa (Test Quality)
- Numerous Cow Hay Mixes
- Horse-Quality Mixed Grass
- Three-Way Grass
Please visit our website or call.
Buffalo Fence and Barn CompanyCameo Fencing, Inc.Hopland, CA 95449
(707) 744-1283
(707) 272-7177
david@bar-roqranch.comNumerous hay & grass feed varieties, including the following:
- Clean Rye Grass - Slight % of Alfalfa
- Second Cut Alfalfa (Test Quality)
- Numerous Cow Hay Mixes
- Horse-Quality Mixed Grass
- Three-Way Grass
Please visit our website or call.

Visit Cameo Fencing, Inc.'s Facebook Page
4789 Christanna Hwy
Valentines, VA 23887
(800) 822-5426
info@cameofencing.comHorse and livestock fencing - agricultural products for horses and cattle.
Safe, affordable, easy to install horse fencing since 1985. "CAMEO" white monofilament line horse fencing. Electric line fencing - braid, tape, polywire, and aluminum wire. Steel pipe fence, Ponderosa fencing - wood post, steel pipe rails, HDPE plank fence, and vinyl posts.
Friendly, knowledgeable service.
SweetPro feed supplements, hay and mineral feeders, natural organic fertilizers, and Prozap fly spray. Most ship easily to all states and Canada by UPS or USPS.

Cumming, GA 30041
(404) 406-6280
cycontracting@gmail.comCYC provides quality fence work in the north Georgia area, though we available for travel. We can furnish references upon request and all estimates are complimentary. We will make sure your job is done right the first time with a fair price.
**Photos of previous work available.
Services provided include, but not limited to:
- All types of wood fencing
- Electric fence
- Chain link fence
- Horse, hog wire, and barbed wire fencing
- All types fence repair
We are experienced in equestrian property design and layout as well as functioning cattle farms.
Fence painting and staining services also available.

Visit Centaur Fencing's Facebook Page
(815) 496-6176
info@centaurfencing.netCentaur Fencing is the original safe horse fencing. Built as an alternative to wires and wood fencing, the polymer-coated high tensile wires won't cut or slice the horse that runs into it. On top of that, high visibility only adds to the safety factor.
Franktown, CO 80116
Custom builder of barns, indoor arenas, garages, etc.
Cresco Concrete Products, LLC(303) 663-1594
info@cocustombuilder.comCustom builder of barns, indoor arenas, garages, etc.
1905 Johanna Drive, Suite B2
Houston, TX 77055
We offer concrete ranch and rail fencing and ship nationwide. Rails are made of lightweight concrete. System is very easy to install and can be done with as few as two people. Great for ranches and farms.
D&L BuildersHouston, TX 77055
(713) 589-5043
(866) 491-6819
info@crescoconcrete.comWe offer concrete ranch and rail fencing and ship nationwide. Rails are made of lightweight concrete. System is very easy to install and can be done with as few as two people. Great for ranches and farms.
PO Box 231
Carthage, NC 28327
Locally owned company offering to help with all your needs. Fence repair/new construction, barn repairs, or new construction. Willing to use a shovel, do general repairs, help with all construction needs, do tree removal, etc. If you have a need you can't get handled or would like to have handled by a professional, then please call.
Carthage, NC 28327
(910) 783-9055
dnlbuilders@gmail.comLocally owned company offering to help with all your needs. Fence repair/new construction, barn repairs, or new construction. Willing to use a shovel, do general repairs, help with all construction needs, do tree removal, etc. If you have a need you can't get handled or would like to have handled by a professional, then please call.