Kendall County, Illinois Horse Fences Directory
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Centaur Fencing

Visit Centaur Fencing's Facebook Page
(815) 496-6176
info@centaurfencing.netCentaur Fencing is the original safe horse fencing. Built as an alternative to wires and wood fencing, the polymer-coated high tensile wires won't cut or slice the horse that runs into it. On top of that, high visibility only adds to the safety factor.
2270 US Highway 30
Oswego, IL 60543
Leading retailer of horse fencing.
Redstone SupplyOswego, IL 60543
(815) 246-3088
sales@redstonesupplyLeading retailer of horse fencing.

Visit Redstone Supply's Facebook Page
2270 US Route 30
Oswego, IL 60543
(815) 797-9636
sales@redstonesupply.comRedstone Supply does business selling horse fencing and related products all across the country; catering to ranchers, farmers, and other horse/livestock owners.
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