North America Equine Dentists Directory
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Fred Henningsen EqD
1331 Janney Rd
Butte, MT 59701
Advanced equine dentistry. From performance horse to geriatrics. Helping horses live longer, healthier lives through technology and training.
Full Service FarrierButte, MT 59701
(406) 491-1392
(406) 287-3847
EquineHealth@aol.comAdvanced equine dentistry. From performance horse to geriatrics. Helping horses live longer, healthier lives through technology and training.

Visit Full Service Farrier's Facebook Page
Laveen, AZ
(602) 821-5389
fullservicefarrier@gmail.comProviding more then just a professional farrier service, "The Full Service Farrier" offers sheath cleaning and oral health evaluations, in addition to balanced horse shoeing and natural hoof trimming.
Certified farrier.

1129 Burlington Tpke
Towanda, PA 18848
(607) 425-7097
(570) 265-8374
bgoodeqdt@yahoo.comI provide equine dental services to horses in PA, NY, MA, and CT. I use power tools and hand tools.
11187 CR 168
Tyler, TX 75703
Beautiful equine medical & surgical facilities in rural south Tyler, Texas. Dr. Will Hadden has cared for horses in east Texas for over 30 years. We have full medical, surgical, and hospital facilities on site. If you have horses, give us a call.
Helen Woodward Animal Center - Equine HospitalTyler, TX 75703
(903) 894-3033
greshamvet@yahoo.comBeautiful equine medical & surgical facilities in rural south Tyler, Texas. Dr. Will Hadden has cared for horses in east Texas for over 30 years. We have full medical, surgical, and hospital facilities on site. If you have horses, give us a call.

Visit Helen Woodward Animal Center - Equine Hospital's Facebook Page
6461 El Apajo Road
Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067
(858) 756-4117
The equine vet and hospital at Helen Woodward Animal Center offers quality veterinary care for the community horse population. Please donate today!
San Rafael, CA 94901
This practice is based in Marin and travels throughout Sonoma and Mendocino Counties providing dental care to the horse community. Professional, reliable, and proven equine dental care and follow up. All ages and breeds are seen and evaluated. I work in conjunction with an equine veterinarian and provide consultations, dental clinics, and seminars. The assisting veterinarian is equipped to deal with and offer other services in conjunction to the equine dental care we provide.
Holistic Veterinary Options, LLC(415) 265-4379
performanceequinedentistry@gmail.comThis practice is based in Marin and travels throughout Sonoma and Mendocino Counties providing dental care to the horse community. Professional, reliable, and proven equine dental care and follow up. All ages and breeds are seen and evaluated. I work in conjunction with an equine veterinarian and provide consultations, dental clinics, and seminars. The assisting veterinarian is equipped to deal with and offer other services in conjunction to the equine dental care we provide.

Visit Holistic Veterinary Options, LLC's Facebook Page
13 Oxford Place
Madison, WI 53704
(608) 280-1836
makrusing@gmail.comWe are a primarily mobile veterinary practice offering quality integrative medical care for the horse as well as holistic care for the dog, cat, camelid, and cow for the Madison and Wisconsin Dells areas.
Equine integrative medical services include:
* equine dentistry
* veterinary acupuncture
* veterinary chiropractic care
* Chinese herbal therapy
* lameness evaluations
* pre-purchase examinations
* saddle evaluations
* annual vaccinations
* and other standard veterinary services
Holistic veterinary services are also available for small animal species such as the dog and cat including veterinary chiropractic care, veterinary acupuncture, and Chinese herbal therapy.
Services are available by appointment only. Please feel free to contact us with any further questions or to arrange a consultation!
Franklin, OH 45005
Over twenty years experience in equine industry. Catering towards all your equine needs: horseshoeing, equine dentistry, riding lessons, training, and sales. Will travel to you.
Ken Fletcher, EDT(937) 474-9170
StarJRHorseshoeing@gmail.comOver twenty years experience in equine industry. Catering towards all your equine needs: horseshoeing, equine dentistry, riding lessons, training, and sales. Will travel to you.
Palatine Ridge
332 Meador Rd
Cumberland, VA 23040
IAED certified & VA registered (USA). Professional routine, performance, and corrective equine dentistry services by appointment throughout central Virginia, USA. Overnights by approved EDT or vet referral. References available. Practicing 10+ years. Lifetime horseman. Primarily manual practitioner, using only approved humane and explained recommended procedures for balancing with thorough individualized equine dental equilibration care. Use of motorized equipment / vet assistance as needed on per case basis. Tested/Certified by the IAED. Call or email for further info and details.
Thanks for your interest and concern for your horse's comfort, functionality and health.
Ken Pankow LLC, Equine Dentistry332 Meador Rd
Cumberland, VA 23040
(804) 492-5318
(804) 305-2703
4kfletcher@gmail.comIAED certified & VA registered (USA). Professional routine, performance, and corrective equine dentistry services by appointment throughout central Virginia, USA. Overnights by approved EDT or vet referral. References available. Practicing 10+ years. Lifetime horseman. Primarily manual practitioner, using only approved humane and explained recommended procedures for balancing with thorough individualized equine dental equilibration care. Use of motorized equipment / vet assistance as needed on per case basis. Tested/Certified by the IAED. Call or email for further info and details.
Thanks for your interest and concern for your horse's comfort, functionality and health.
P.O. Box 235
Flint Hill, VA 22627
Hand floating non-sedated horses for over 35 years. Virginia registered and I.A.E.D. certified. Serving central and northern Virginia and central Maryland. Offering lectures to horses organizations and pony clubs.
Flint Hill, VA 22627
(540) 675-3815
kenpankow@hughes.netHand floating non-sedated horses for over 35 years. Virginia registered and I.A.E.D. certified. Serving central and northern Virginia and central Maryland. Offering lectures to horses organizations and pony clubs.
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