North America Farriers and Blacksmiths Directory
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King's Farrier ServiceKnights Training and Farrier ServiceKosiba Farrier Services, Inc.Lockhaven Ranch
Sunderland, MD 20689
A fun, educational, family operated riding facility offering english and western riding lessons for children and adults, trail riding, overnight camping/trail rides, horse training, summer camps, pony rides, educational farm animal display and petting zoo, and special events. We welcome riders, non-riders, and animal lovers of all ages. Give us a call - there's always something to do and see at Lockhaven Ranch!
Mac's Farrier Service(301) 455-0993
info@lockhavenranch.orgA fun, educational, family operated riding facility offering english and western riding lessons for children and adults, trail riding, overnight camping/trail rides, horse training, summer camps, pony rides, educational farm animal display and petting zoo, and special events. We welcome riders, non-riders, and animal lovers of all ages. Give us a call - there's always something to do and see at Lockhaven Ranch!
Elizabethtown, KY
All horses handled with care and patience. Your horse suffering from founder / laminitis? Mac's Farrier Service can help. Nolan Hoof Plate certified installer.
Madden Horseshoeing(270) 855-1165
macsfarrierservice@yahoo.comAll horses handled with care and patience. Your horse suffering from founder / laminitis? Mac's Farrier Service can help. Nolan Hoof Plate certified installer.
Sloughhouse, CA 95683
Amber Madden, professional farrier, provides a wide variety of hoofcare services from balanced barefoot trimming to shoeing for lameness, all with an awareness of each horse's conformation and their hoof care needs.
As a horse owner and competitor, Amber knows and respects the commitment that horse owners make in order to care for their horses, and she strives to provide hoofcare services that are safe & effective and benefit the horse and owner.
Graduate of Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School
A.F.E.C. Certified
Maui Friesian(916) 204-4440
ammadden10@gmail.comAmber Madden, professional farrier, provides a wide variety of hoofcare services from balanced barefoot trimming to shoeing for lameness, all with an awareness of each horse's conformation and their hoof care needs.
As a horse owner and competitor, Amber knows and respects the commitment that horse owners make in order to care for their horses, and she strives to provide hoofcare services that are safe & effective and benefit the horse and owner.
Graduate of Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School
A.F.E.C. Certified
Makawao, HI 96768
This multi paged site is like an online photo album where you can explore the life and activities of one Friesian horse that lives on Maui island.
Moore Happy Horse Rescue / Moore Happy Horse
This multi paged site is like an online photo album where you can explore the life and activities of one Friesian horse that lives on Maui island.
Wildomar, CA 92595
A horse and pony rescue located in Riverside County, California.
Mount Joy Farms(909) 436-8675
brandi@moorehappyhorses.comA horse and pony rescue located in Riverside County, California.
Birtle MB
O'Hara Shoeing(204) 801-6585
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