North America Farriers and Blacksmiths Directory
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Damone Farrier Services, LLC

Visit Damone Farrier Services, LLC's Facebook Page
(248) 842-5798
damonefarrierservices@gmail.comJames Damone provides high quality farrier services ranging from basic trims to therapeutic shoeing. Customers appreciate James' professional, courteous service along with the quiet horsemanship and quality work. Hot shoeing, cold shoeing and trims. Serving northern Colorado and southern Wyoming. Please call to set up an appointment or with any questions! 248-842-5798. For more information and a complete gallery of my work please check out my website!
(845) 677-8802
(845) 797-0609
horsefeathersfarrier@aol.comI have been shoeing horses since 2001, I am an AFA Certified Farrier, and I am currently taking on new clients in Dutchess County, New York. I hot and cold shoe as well as trimming bare feet for soundness.
3431 Vandemark Road
Litchfield, OH 44253
Dan Hawke Horseshoeing is accepting new clients. Oklahoma Horseshoeing graduate with 12+ years of experience. Servicing Medina, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Wayne, Ashalnd & parts of Summit County. Multi horse discounts available. Call 330-721-7751 for pricing and appointments.
Dancing Shoes Farrier Services, LLCLitchfield, OH 44253
(330) 721-7751
(330) 465-9636
v8leck@aol.comDan Hawke Horseshoeing is accepting new clients. Oklahoma Horseshoeing graduate with 12+ years of experience. Servicing Medina, Cuyahoga, Lorain, Wayne, Ashalnd & parts of Summit County. Multi horse discounts available. Call 330-721-7751 for pricing and appointments.
34 Nome
Aurora, CO 80012
Providing services to quality horse owners since 2002. Specializing in faults of gait and lameness issues.
Daniel A. FraserAurora, CO 80012
(720) 298-2797
Blacksmith1975@yahoo.comProviding services to quality horse owners since 2002. Specializing in faults of gait and lameness issues.
Stent Cut Off Rd
Jamestown, CA 95327
Horseshoeing for balance and performance by competent and reliable farrier with over thirty years experience. Unique team operation compassionate about the horses they treat. Whether it is founder, laminitis, thrush, navicular, or prescriptive shoeing, we can help.
Darren Lacey CJF - Professional Farrier ServicesJamestown, CA 95327
(209) 770-4419
brige2u@yahoo.comHorseshoeing for balance and performance by competent and reliable farrier with over thirty years experience. Unique team operation compassionate about the horses they treat. Whether it is founder, laminitis, thrush, navicular, or prescriptive shoeing, we can help.
Carlisle ON LBN 2Z7
An American Farriers Association Certified farrier in Onatrio. I provide high quality foot care & dependable shoeing (hot or cold) and trimming services. Working with saddle horses across the English & Western disciplines in the Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, and Guelph areas.
Dave King Horseshoeing(905) 659-8819
(519) 939-7177
darrenlacey777@gmail.comAn American Farriers Association Certified farrier in Onatrio. I provide high quality foot care & dependable shoeing (hot or cold) and trimming services. Working with saddle horses across the English & Western disciplines in the Oakville, Burlington, Hamilton, and Guelph areas.
7727 County Line Road
Castalia, NC 27816
Certified farrier, member BWFA, and graduate of Casey and Sons Horseshoeing School. Professional, reliable, and gentle. Will work with your vet to treat lameness issues. Hot and cold shoeing available. Gaited horses, trail horses, minis, drafts, and even donkeys. References cheerfully provided.
Dave Woods, Certified FarrierCastalia, NC 27816
(252) 955-5086
(252) 955-5084
dking.farrier@gmail.comCertified farrier, member BWFA, and graduate of Casey and Sons Horseshoeing School. Professional, reliable, and gentle. Will work with your vet to treat lameness issues. Hot and cold shoeing available. Gaited horses, trail horses, minis, drafts, and even donkeys. References cheerfully provided.
Eustis, FL 32736
Hot/Cold Shoeing
Corrective Shoeing
Hoof Trimming
Dave's Horseshoeing(352) 455-8277
davewoodsfarrier@yahoo.comHot/Cold Shoeing
Corrective Shoeing
Hoof Trimming
7727 Countyline Rd
Castalia, NC 27816
Complete shoeing and trimming services for all breeds, from minis to drafts.
David A. Deppen, CJFCastalia, NC 27816
(252) 955-5086
dking.farrier@gmail.comComplete shoeing and trimming services for all breeds, from minis to drafts.
Hamburg, PA 19526
Dave Deppen, CJF, is an AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier and a member of the World Champion Blacksmiths (WCB) and the American Farrier's Association (AFA). He holds the office of treasurer at the Pennsylvania Professional Farriers' Association (PPFA) and is active in the regionally oriented Delaware-Maryland-Virginia Farriers Association (DELMARVA), the Maryland Farriers Association (MFA), and the MidEastern Farrier's Association (MEFA).
(609) 915-6102
dave@soundhooves.comDave Deppen, CJF, is an AFA Certified Journeyman Farrier and a member of the World Champion Blacksmiths (WCB) and the American Farrier's Association (AFA). He holds the office of treasurer at the Pennsylvania Professional Farriers' Association (PPFA) and is active in the regionally oriented Delaware-Maryland-Virginia Farriers Association (DELMARVA), the Maryland Farriers Association (MFA), and the MidEastern Farrier's Association (MEFA).
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