Equine Insurance Directory
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Leedy Insurance Services
23530 Lupine Place
Murrieta, CA 92562
My agency writes farm and ranch and equine liability insurance. Whether you need a policy for a boarding facility, lessons and training, or horse shows, a care custody and control policy, or an animal mortality policy including colic surgery, I can help place these types of policies for you. I can also write your Work Comp insurance with another company besides the State Fund. My agency is in Murrieta, Riverside County.
CA. Lic # 0626948
Markel Insurance Company - Horse InsuranceMurrieta, CA 92562
(714) 366-7874
pat@leedyinsurance.comMy agency writes farm and ranch and equine liability insurance. Whether you need a policy for a boarding facility, lessons and training, or horse shows, a care custody and control policy, or an animal mortality policy including colic surgery, I can help place these types of policies for you. I can also write your Work Comp insurance with another company besides the State Fund. My agency is in Murrieta, Riverside County.
CA. Lic # 0626948
The Insurance Company with Horse Sense. Experts in all types of equine related coverages. Instant mortality coverage available on-line, 24-hours a day.
Morninstar Insurance Brokers, Inc.www.horseinsurance.com/

Visit Morninstar Insurance Brokers, Inc.'s Facebook Page
Northern CA Agent
Santa Rosa, CA 94928
(707) 529-9484
(888) 700-7123
melynda@morningstarinsure.comMorningstar Insurance Brokers is a full service insurance broker who specializes in Equine coverages. I shop your insurance needs across several different companies in an attempt to offer you the best insurance product available at the lowest possible price.
Payment plans offered.
Some coverage we offer:
- Ranch
- Farm
- Home
- Equine Mortality
- Major Medical / Surgical
- Loss of Use
- Trainers Liability
- Association, Club and Camp Liability
- Workers Comp
Melynda Silvashy
Equine Specialist
406 B Tarrow Drive
College Station, TX 77840
Equine insurance specialist. Equine insurance for a variety of breeds and disciplines. Full mortality, transit, colic, major medical and surgical, third-party liability, and more!
AFI Horse InsuranceCollege Station, TX 77840
(979) 820-0412
(979) 846-3500
jbundren@wellmanninsurance.comEquine insurance specialist. Equine insurance for a variety of breeds and disciplines. Full mortality, transit, colic, major medical and surgical, third-party liability, and more!
Animal Friends Insurance
London Road
AFI Horse Insurance is part of Animal Friends Insurance. We have expanded our portfolio to include horse insurance for the UK horse and rider. Apply online or enjoy our free advice, blogs, and articles.
Integrity Midwest Insurance, LLC - Livestock DivisionLondon Road
0844 55 70 300
info@afihorseinsurance.co.ukAFI Horse Insurance is part of Animal Friends Insurance. We have expanded our portfolio to include horse insurance for the UK horse and rider. Apply online or enjoy our free advice, blogs, and articles.
PO Box 7210
Kansas City, MO 64113
We are an independent insurance agency providing animal mortality coverage for horses, cattle, and dogs.
Laurel Fowler Insurance Broker, Inc / Diana HumphriesKansas City, MO 64113
(785) 304-1613
georgia@integrity-livestock.comWe are an independent insurance agency providing animal mortality coverage for horses, cattle, and dogs.
(951) 757-6092
info@EquineQuote.com"Your Mane Insurance Source"
We provide all types of equine insurance - with great rates from the leading underwriters. Let us find the best rates and coverage for you.
- Mortality
- Major medical
- Surgical
- Private horse owner liability
- Horse trainers and instructor
- Farm and ranch packages
We also offer homeowner, auto, and commercial insurance. Call today for a free quote.
Straightforward horse insurance cover for horses of all types and abilities - with flexible products to suit your budget. Petplan Equine - sharing the care of your horse.
Petplan Equinewww.petplanequine.co.uk/
Straightforward horse insurance coverage for horses of all types and abilities - with flexible products to suit your budget. Petplan Equine - sharing the care of your horse.
Also find general horse information.
Also find general horse information.