Oregon Laundry and/or Repair Directory
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Horse/Animal Rescue Team - HART
P.O. Box 398
Yamhill, OR 97148
A non profit horse rescue and horse blanket wash and repair service provider.
Quality, affordable horse blanket wash and repair services with free pick up and delivery; one week turnaround and excellent service.
HART Rescue is a non profit horse and animal rescue team located in Yamhill County. We work with the local law enforcement agencies caring for abused, abandoned, or lost horses and livestock. HART buys and sells horse tack to raise funds for the rescue. We also accept donations of unwanted horse tack, feed, supplies, or money. If you have any tack that you would like to sell or donate, please talk to me about it. I also have a small hay bank to help people who are unable to buy feed for their animals, so if you have any surplus hay you would like to donated, please contact me, and I will pick it up. I occasionally send out information emails with updates on what is going on at the rescue, adopted horses, horses that are up for adoption, etc. If you would like to be added to that list, please email me through this ad and I will put you on the list. If you have any questions or would like to come and see my rescue for yourself, please contact me. Visitors are always welcome!
JC Saddle and Shoe RepairYamhill, OR 97148
(503) 662-4167
(503) 312-8539
hartrescue@yahoo.comA non profit horse rescue and horse blanket wash and repair service provider.
Quality, affordable horse blanket wash and repair services with free pick up and delivery; one week turnaround and excellent service.
HART Rescue is a non profit horse and animal rescue team located in Yamhill County. We work with the local law enforcement agencies caring for abused, abandoned, or lost horses and livestock. HART buys and sells horse tack to raise funds for the rescue. We also accept donations of unwanted horse tack, feed, supplies, or money. If you have any tack that you would like to sell or donate, please talk to me about it. I also have a small hay bank to help people who are unable to buy feed for their animals, so if you have any surplus hay you would like to donated, please contact me, and I will pick it up. I occasionally send out information emails with updates on what is going on at the rescue, adopted horses, horses that are up for adoption, etc. If you would like to be added to that list, please email me through this ad and I will put you on the list. If you have any questions or would like to come and see my rescue for yourself, please contact me. Visitors are always welcome!
338 Mira Ct
Eugene, OR 97402
670 W 6th, Junction City, Oregon.
We repair all horse tack and saddle blankets. We also do camping and hunting gear, along with many other things. We also do new. Have an idea you want to try? Give us a call - ask for Gene or Gary.
North Valley Hat CompanyEugene, OR 97402
(541) 688-5978
(541) 998-3203
garyk6188@yahoo.com670 W 6th, Junction City, Oregon.
We repair all horse tack and saddle blankets. We also do camping and hunting gear, along with many other things. We also do new. Have an idea you want to try? Give us a call - ask for Gene or Gary.
8356 Liberty Rd S
Salem, OR 97306
"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!
Saddle Tramp SaddlerySalem, OR 97306
(503) 371-1110
nvhatco@q.com"Quality that makes the difference"
Custom made felt hats. Felt hat renovation. By "master hatter", Rodney Allison. Western, buckaroo, period, fedora, derby - you name it, we make it!

127 E Main St
Molalla, OR 97038
(503) 302-0890
trampsaddle@ymail.comCustom hand made saddles and leather goods. Repair and restoration. Montana silver. Leather supplies and care. All cowboy, rodeo, and horse related gear!
Newberg, OR 97132
Specializing in repairs of English saddles & equipment. Complete re-flocking with 100% real wool, billet replacements, and strapwork repairs. Sales of new Black Country Saddles and used consignment saddles. Professional, certified saddle fitter available for onsite fittings and adjustments.
Debby's Tack Wash and Repair(503) 538-9900
info@chehalemsaddlery.comSpecializing in repairs of English saddles & equipment. Complete re-flocking with 100% real wool, billet replacements, and strapwork repairs. Sales of new Black Country Saddles and used consignment saddles. Professional, certified saddle fitter available for onsite fittings and adjustments.
Redmond, OR 97756
Horse blanket washing and repair. New and used tack for sale. Clipper blade sharpening.
Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair(541) 548-1900
tawashanrepair@qwestoffice.netHorse blanket washing and repair. New and used tack for sale. Clipper blade sharpening.
Redmond, OR 97756
Ensure your horse's health with services for horse blankets, saddles and halters from Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair.
(541) 548-1900
Ensure your horse's health with services for horse blankets, saddles and halters from Teresa's Tack Wash & Repair.
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