Sonoma County, California Saddle Fitters Directory
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Optimum Saddle Services

Visit Optimum Saddle Services' Facebook Page
11970 Canyon Dr
Guerneville, CA 95446
(707) 328-6763
kelly@optimumsaddleserices.comWith Optimum Saddles Services, you can unlock your horses' full potential. From competitive athlete to the pleasurable best friend, our horses all benefit from a well fit saddle. Optimum Saddle Services is dedicated to providing quality and customized services to address each horse and rider's needs. By appropriately maintaining your saddle you will be protecting the investment of your tack and of your horse. Optimum Saddle Services is an independent company that is not affiliated with any specific saddle company brands and therefore is able to provide a neutral and unbiased perspective to your horse's needs. We are available to provide custom dynamic saddle fittings, wool re-flock and wool conversions, billet repairs, saddle repairs, and leather re-conditioning.
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