Scottsdale, Arizona Horse Trainers and Clinicians Directory
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Exceptional Horsemanship...

Visit Exceptional Horsemanship...'s Facebook Page
Scottsdale, AZ
(480) 951-1546
lauren@exceptionalhorsemanship.comSolving people's horse problems and horse's people problems.

Visit Samantha Walker Performance Horses' Facebook Page
Chaparosa Ranch
15030 E Chaparosa Way
Scottsdale, AZ 85262
(480) 577-1165
sam@swphorses.comSamantha Walker Performance Horses offers lessons to all ages and rider levels. She also trains horses, including starting horses, fixing problem horses, and finishing horses for showing.
Samantha specializes in western pleasure, reining, trail, and hunter under saddle.
Samantha can help you and your horse reach your goals.
Scottsdale, AZ
Specializing in youth and amateurs. All levels and all ages welcome. We'll train you and your horse to perform in and out of the show ring with skill and confidence. Training and lessons available for all breeds with a show emphasis on Arabians and Quarter Horses. Lesson horses available. Reining and working cowhorse.
(602) 616-0400
sobral1@aol.comSpecializing in youth and amateurs. All levels and all ages welcome. We'll train you and your horse to perform in and out of the show ring with skill and confidence. Training and lessons available for all breeds with a show emphasis on Arabians and Quarter Horses. Lesson horses available. Reining and working cowhorse.
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