Alberta Natural Horsemanship Training Directory
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Alpha Natural Horsemanship
2732 Oakmoor Drive SW
Calgary AB T2V3Z2
I offer the following services:
I am a trainer using Natural Horsemanship methods with 35 years' hands on experience; reliable, insured, and with references offering the following training services for all breeds:
• Evaluation – Training or Pre-purchase
• Horse Training
• Semi Private Group Instruction
• Problem Solving
• Educate the Owner – U Train your horse DIY
• Clinic – Foundation Training
• Clinic – Ground to Saddle Training Putting it all together
• Horse Training Tips – Free
Horsepower Productions, Inc. / Riversong Ranch / Chris IrwinCalgary AB T2V3Z2
I offer the following services:
I am a trainer using Natural Horsemanship methods with 35 years' hands on experience; reliable, insured, and with references offering the following training services for all breeds:
• Evaluation – Training or Pre-purchase
• Horse Training
• Semi Private Group Instruction
• Problem Solving
• Educate the Owner – U Train your horse DIY
• Clinic – Foundation Training
• Clinic – Ground to Saddle Training Putting it all together
• Horse Training Tips – Free
Riversong Ranch Equestrian Retreat
P.O. Box 1619
Whitecourt AB T7S 1P4
Key Ranch / Keith StewartP.O. Box 1619
Whitecourt AB T7S 1P4
(877) 394-6773
Rural Route #2
High River, AB T1V1N2
All instruction provided uses a combination of the deeply rooted tradition of the vaquero horsemanship methods and the influence of modern day horsemanship for maximum results with you and your horse. Training methods influenced through clinic attendance and participation with renowned horsemen Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Bryan Neubert, Gwen and David Weaver, Martin Black, and Curt Pate. He considers himself a lifelong learner.
Attend lessons or Key Ranch clinics to build confidence, develop flexibility, achieve a positive and safe riding experience, and have fun. Also provides lessons, clinics, and events in colt starting, cattle work, ranch roping, ranch horse versatility, and ranch horsemanship.
Key Ranch is the host of some of the largest ranch ropings sanctioned by the Canadian Ranch Roping Association and one of the only properties in Canada to host renowned horseman Buck Brannaman.
MH EquineHigh River, AB T1V1N2
(403) 601-7370
(403) 395-3395
denice@keithstewart.caAll instruction provided uses a combination of the deeply rooted tradition of the vaquero horsemanship methods and the influence of modern day horsemanship for maximum results with you and your horse. Training methods influenced through clinic attendance and participation with renowned horsemen Ray Hunt, Buck Brannaman, Bryan Neubert, Gwen and David Weaver, Martin Black, and Curt Pate. He considers himself a lifelong learner.
Attend lessons or Key Ranch clinics to build confidence, develop flexibility, achieve a positive and safe riding experience, and have fun. Also provides lessons, clinics, and events in colt starting, cattle work, ranch roping, ranch horse versatility, and ranch horsemanship.
Key Ranch is the host of some of the largest ranch ropings sanctioned by the Canadian Ranch Roping Association and one of the only properties in Canada to host renowned horseman Buck Brannaman.

Visit MH Equine's Facebook Page
Box 674
Glendon AB T0A 1P0
(780) 614-4874
miranda@albertahorsetraining.comAlberta horse trainer. Miranda Hassan of MH Equine offers year around horse training (groundwork, colt starting, miles, conditioning, advancing training) in St Paul, Alberta, and surrounding areas. Riding lessons are also offered. We take horses on consignment and have our own horses for sale at various times of the year.
Please contact us for more information.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training

Visit Trusted Training's Facebook Page
Box 478
Cremona AB T0M 0R0
(403) 473-7453
trustedtraining@me.comI am a full time horse trainer that offers colt starting, finishing, conditioning, and problem solving in a gentle and humane manner. I am a certified western coach with the Certified Horsemanship Association and give both beginner/advanced lessons. With over 300 acres on our property, we have a variety of trail rides both all day and overnight. The property is also a camp and conference center where we run clinics and kids' camps. We also offer full horse board with access to an outdoor arena and the many different facilities.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Lesson Stables
- Christian Community
- Boarding Stables / Livery Yards
- Ranches and Vacations
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
Streamstown AB
Here at Winding Road Horse Training, our focus is on colt starting / foundation training, giving lessons for you and your horse, clinics, and selling ranch / recreational horses.
Alpha Natural Horsemanship(780) 847-3498
stephen@windingroadhorsetraining.comHere at Winding Road Horse Training, our focus is on colt starting / foundation training, giving lessons for you and your horse, clinics, and selling ranch / recreational horses.
Calgary AB T2V3Z2
Located in Calgary, I will travel to your location and start horses with Natural Horsemanship methods. Owner participation, including a watchful eye, is encouraged and highly recommended. I use a gentle approach, and the objective of the training is to end up with a safe, calm, dependable horse that will willingly do what we ask it to do, when we ask it to do it. I believe in establishing a solid foundation on a horse; like the foundation under a house, it must be solid and correct and is essential to avoid riding problems. It also helps in solving difficulties should they arise. A solid foundation includes softness in all movements of a horse. I start horses from the ground up. Ground training and round pen work prepares a horse for work under saddle by teaching them to relax and to respond when pressure is applied. The result is a horse that is a willing partner.
Battle Ridge
Located in Calgary, I will travel to your location and start horses with Natural Horsemanship methods. Owner participation, including a watchful eye, is encouraged and highly recommended. I use a gentle approach, and the objective of the training is to end up with a safe, calm, dependable horse that will willingly do what we ask it to do, when we ask it to do it. I believe in establishing a solid foundation on a horse; like the foundation under a house, it must be solid and correct and is essential to avoid riding problems. It also helps in solving difficulties should they arise. A solid foundation includes softness in all movements of a horse. I start horses from the ground up. Ground training and round pen work prepares a horse for work under saddle by teaching them to relax and to respond when pressure is applied. The result is a horse that is a willing partner.
Alsike AB T0C 0C0
Horses & Humans... Eliminating the Boundaries.
Certified John / Josh Lyons Clinician Glenn Kipp of Alberta, Canada. Clinics include Colt Starting Level I & II and Problem Solving, among others. See website for details. 2011 clinic schedule includes: Ponoka, AB, Sherwood Park, AB, and Birds Hill, MB. If you would like to see one in your area, please contact us so we can look at putting on one there. Please contact us for more information.
(780) 621-5721
gns@battleridgeranch.comHorses & Humans... Eliminating the Boundaries.
Certified John / Josh Lyons Clinician Glenn Kipp of Alberta, Canada. Clinics include Colt Starting Level I & II and Problem Solving, among others. See website for details. 2011 clinic schedule includes: Ponoka, AB, Sherwood Park, AB, and Birds Hill, MB. If you would like to see one in your area, please contact us so we can look at putting on one there. Please contact us for more information.
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Trainers and Clinicians
- Sale Barns
- Horse Training Stables
- Natural Horsemanship Training
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- Alsike (1/0)
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- Cremona (1/0)
- Glendon (1/0)
- High River (1/0)
- Streamstown (1/0)
- Whitecourt (1/0)