United States Equine Vets Directory
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P.O. Box 1403
Bonsall, CA 92003
EquineIR is a nationwide network of thermographers performing scans of horses.
Whether you are buying, selling, or would like to perform a routine diagnostic of a horse, EquineIR™ is valuable for your horse's health and your finances.
Before thermography, veterinarians could only locate problems using traditional methods such as observation and palpation. Now, using EquineIR™ thermography, abnormalities present even before damage occurs.
This methodology has been developed and refined over the past twenty-five years and has been proven to be an effective imaging technique for:
- Pre-Purchase
- Hoof Balancing
- Saddle Fit
- Track Footing
- Pre-Race
- Joint Inflammation
- General Diagnostics
EquineIR™ uses the InterpretIR Network. InterpretIR.com aligns your EquineIR™ Certified Technician (ECT) with veterinarians specializing in thermography to create a detailed graphic medical evaluation of your graphical EquineIR™ report.
Advanced Equine Dentistry & Vet Services IncBonsall, CA 92003
(888) 722-6447
(336) 689-3658
info@unitedinfrared.comEquineIR is a nationwide network of thermographers performing scans of horses.
Whether you are buying, selling, or would like to perform a routine diagnostic of a horse, EquineIR™ is valuable for your horse's health and your finances.
Before thermography, veterinarians could only locate problems using traditional methods such as observation and palpation. Now, using EquineIR™ thermography, abnormalities present even before damage occurs.
This methodology has been developed and refined over the past twenty-five years and has been proven to be an effective imaging technique for:
- Pre-Purchase
- Hoof Balancing
- Saddle Fit
- Track Footing
- Pre-Race
- Joint Inflammation
- General Diagnostics
EquineIR™ uses the InterpretIR Network. InterpretIR.com aligns your EquineIR™ Certified Technician (ECT) with veterinarians specializing in thermography to create a detailed graphic medical evaluation of your graphical EquineIR™ report.

Visit Advanced Equine Dentistry & Vet Services Inc's Facebook Page
13223 Sunfish Drive
Hudson, FL 34667
(727) 514-0462
advancedequinedentist@yahoo.comDr. Jay Clifford, DVM & Richard Grist, CEqD, are now taking advanced equine dentistry to the next level. Their practice offers one of the first ever air-conditioned, mobile dentistry/vet hospitals. See and experience the difference for yourself. See why you will NEVER settle for a "routine float" again!
Our new mobile equine hospital, the Med-E-Vet EQ-28, is designed with the safety and comfort of your horse in mind. It is complete with many features that allow you, the horse owner, to relax and observe your horse receiving the top quality care that he/she deserves.
No more holding your own horse's head up while he/she is sedated. No more sweating and straining in the hot Florida sun. Now our clients can relax in a cool, controlled environment while your horse is treated with the utmost professional care. Mobile equine dentistry.
3789 Charleston Hwy
Aiken, SC 29801
The Aiken Complex is a premium equestrian facility offering boarding, training and rehabilitation. Odyssey exerciser, 1/2 mile track, arenas and on-site veterinarian.
All D Reiterhof FarmArgyle Veterinary ClinicAiken, SC 29801
(803) 641-0644
contact@AikenComplex.comThe Aiken Complex is a premium equestrian facility offering boarding, training and rehabilitation. Odyssey exerciser, 1/2 mile track, arenas and on-site veterinarian.
410 FM 407 E
Argyle, TX 76226
Dog, cat, and equine veterinary hospital offering vet services, supplies, and information. 24 hour emergency service.
Aspen Ridge Equine Hospital, PCArgyle, TX 76226
(940) 464-3231
info@ArgyleVet.comDog, cat, and equine veterinary hospital offering vet services, supplies, and information. 24 hour emergency service.
1480 East Higby Road
Monument, CO 80132
Atherton Equine Services - A.E.S.Monument, CO 80132
(719) 265-6677
Banks Mill Rd
Aiken, SC 29803
A mixed animal mobile veterinary practice with an equine emphasis.
AVS Equine Medical & Surgical HospitalAiken, SC 29803
(803) 522-2981
atherton.equine@gmail.comA mixed animal mobile veterinary practice with an equine emphasis.
9085 Magnolia Hill Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32309
AVS Equine is here for you and your horse. Please browse our website and read about the services we provide to the equine community. Our staff is ready to assist you with any problem or concern you may have about your horse's health. Contact us if you have additional questions, or need the assistance of one of our vets.
Balliet & AssociatesTallahassee, FL 32309
(850) 386-3619
AVS Equine is here for you and your horse. Please browse our website and read about the services we provide to the equine community. Our staff is ready to assist you with any problem or concern you may have about your horse's health. Contact us if you have additional questions, or need the assistance of one of our vets.

Visit Balliet & Associates' Facebook Page
4413 Cherryville Rd
Northampton, PA 18067
(610) 262-3203
ballietandassc@verizon.netWe are a large animal, ambulatory veterinary clinic. With over 30 years of experience, we will deliver quality, compassionate care. We see scheduled appointments Monday-Friday and some Saturdays. We treat emergencies 24/7! Animals treated include: horses, sheep, goats, alpacas, llamas, pot-bellied pigs, cows, and farm raised white-tailed deer. We also see dogs and cats for Acupuncture treatments (and all of the other animals listed as well).
4501 7th Street (Hwy 35)
Bay City, TX 77414
Bay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital is a veterinary facility providing services in medicine and surgery for small and large animals.
Bay City, TX 77414
(979) 245-6364
info@baycityvet.comBay City Veterinary Clinic & Equine Hospital is a veterinary facility providing services in medicine and surgery for small and large animals.
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