Jackson, Michigan Equine Vets Directory
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Whole Horse Veterinary Services
3906 Seymour Rd
Jackson, MI 49201
Whole Horse Vet Services is a mobile equine practice serving Jackson, Washtenaw and Southern Ingham counties.
We offer a full range of equine services including stall-side digital xray, U/S and endoscopy. Emergency services are available 24/7.
Whole Horse Veterinary ServicesJackson, MI 49201
(517) 474-4050
(517) 764-7710
Whole Horse Vet Services is a mobile equine practice serving Jackson, Washtenaw and Southern Ingham counties.
We offer a full range of equine services including stall-side digital xray, U/S and endoscopy. Emergency services are available 24/7.

Visit Whole Horse Veterinary Services' Facebook Page
3906 Seymour Rd
Jackson, MI 49201
(517) 474-4050
info@wholehorsevetservices.comWe are a full-service mobile equine clinic serving Jackson, Washtenaw, and Ingham counties. We offer a full range of equine medical services, as well as emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
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