Mijdrecht, Netherlands Arena Footing and Stall Bedding Directory
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Straathof Arena Footing
Tienboerenweg 20 B
3641 RA Mijdrecht Noord-Holland
Experts in the design, construction, maintenance, and renovation of tidal / ebb and flow footings for your arena, paddock, and turnout.
- All-weather riding surface
- Safety for horse and rider
- Controlled stability and shock absorption
- 100% environmentally friendly
- Accurate maintenance and aftercare
3641 RA Mijdrecht Noord-Holland
+31 297 567688
Experts in the design, construction, maintenance, and renovation of tidal / ebb and flow footings for your arena, paddock, and turnout.
- All-weather riding surface
- Safety for horse and rider
- Controlled stability and shock absorption
- 100% environmentally friendly
- Accurate maintenance and aftercare
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