North America Arena Footing and Stall Bedding Directory
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ABI Equine / Kiser Arena Specialists
1320 Third Street
Osceola, IN 46561
Complete footing solutions from the equine industry's leading experts. Largest selection of arena drags for tractors & atvs.
Alterna PaveOsceola, IN 46561
(877) 788-7253
Complete footing solutions from the equine industry's leading experts. Largest selection of arena drags for tractors & atvs.
3480 Lightner Road
Dayton, OH 45377
One of the latest breakthroughs in recycled rubberized pavement made from ground, used tires, this material is poured in place. Perfect for horse stalls and animal kennels. Five year guarantee! Makes a great sound barrier, keeps your horse safe, and is not a tripping hazard. Less hip and joint pain. Call today for more information!
American Hemp Horse BeddingDayton, OH 45377
(937) 506-8906
One of the latest breakthroughs in recycled rubberized pavement made from ground, used tires, this material is poured in place. Perfect for horse stalls and animal kennels. Five year guarantee! Makes a great sound barrier, keeps your horse safe, and is not a tripping hazard. Less hip and joint pain. Call today for more information!

Visit American Hemp Horse Bedding's Facebook Page
1959 North Peace Haven Road, #176
Winston Salem, NC 27106
(336) 529-7968
contact@americanhempllc.comAmerican Hemp horse bedding comes from the woody core, also known as hurds, of the industrial hemp field crop. Hemp hurds are more absorbent, lower in dust, longer lasting, and control odor better in comparison to timber based beddings. Hemp is non-allergenic, and when grown for fiber, it typically has a 90-day grow cycle and does not require pesticides.
PO Box 1646
Sultan, WA 98294
We are the NW USA regional distributor for MAG indoor arena dust control. With MAG installed in your sand footing, you may never need to water again! Saves time, hassle, and the expense of watering. Your footing maintains its perfect moisture content for optimum riding texture.
MAG also STOPS freezing of your footing and will dramatically decrease condensation on the overhead and walls of your indoor arena, stopping the "rain".
We are riding arena footing specialists, specializing in only the best German and American technology. Our own Equi-Fleece brand of imported German poly felt is the best we have found, giving longevity, ease of maintenance, and performance under foot.
We can construct from scratch or renew and rehab your current problem arena footing.
Attwood Equestrian SurfacesSultan, WA 98294
(425) 923-7909
Rick@Arena-Rehab.comWe are the NW USA regional distributor for MAG indoor arena dust control. With MAG installed in your sand footing, you may never need to water again! Saves time, hassle, and the expense of watering. Your footing maintains its perfect moisture content for optimum riding texture.
MAG also STOPS freezing of your footing and will dramatically decrease condensation on the overhead and walls of your indoor arena, stopping the "rain".
We are riding arena footing specialists, specializing in only the best German and American technology. Our own Equi-Fleece brand of imported German poly felt is the best we have found, giving longevity, ease of maintenance, and performance under foot.
We can construct from scratch or renew and rehab your current problem arena footing.
7 West Washington St., Suites I & J
PO Box 1612
Middleburg, VA 20118
Full service arena footing and consultation services covering the US and Canada. 18 years in business. We provide totally dust free surface and Geotextile sand-blend footing.
Baker and Son Trucking, Inc.PO Box 1612
Middleburg, VA 20118
(888) 461-7788
(540) 660-5343
equestrian.surfaces@gmail.comFull service arena footing and consultation services covering the US and Canada. 18 years in business. We provide totally dust free surface and Geotextile sand-blend footing.
Kevin Baker
P.O. Box 752
Purcellville, VA 20134
Stone dust and riversand for riding rings, delivered by the truckload and spread. Serving all of Northern Virginia's horse country.
Boundary Waters Farm & Farrier ServiceP.O. Box 752
Purcellville, VA 20134
(540) 338-6259
info@loudounsandandgravel.comStone dust and riversand for riding rings, delivered by the truckload and spread. Serving all of Northern Virginia's horse country.
430 Horseshoe Bend Rd
Henderson, NC 27537
BWF Farrier Service has served the area since 1996. Graduate of Eastern School of Farriery and member of the North Carolina Horseshoers Assn. Provide quality hoofcare with genuine care for your equine.
Boundary Waters Farm produces quality Appaloosas and Quarter Horses with athletic ability and good minds.
Brumfield Hay & Grain Co., Inc.Henderson, NC 27537
(252) 492-3079
bwf@ncol.netBWF Farrier Service has served the area since 1996. Graduate of Eastern School of Farriery and member of the North Carolina Horseshoers Assn. Provide quality hoofcare with genuine care for your equine.
Boundary Waters Farm produces quality Appaloosas and Quarter Horses with athletic ability and good minds.
- Quarter Horse Farms
- Appaloosa Breeders and Horse Farms
- Feed and Supplements
- Farriers
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Arena Footing and Stall Bedding
- Laundry and/or Repair
2285 Maggard Drive
Lexington, KY 40511
Providing for your equine needs. Hay, bedding, Pennfield, Purina, Woodys, and Brumfield Stride. Both English and western tack. Supplements and health supplies.
Open 7 days a week:
M-F 8:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Also offering leather repair, saddles, gloves, helmets, boots, clippers, and barns needs. Come see us. Serving the horse industry since 1938. "Service a Family Tradition"
C and B Custom Saw MillLexington, KY 40511
(859) 255-0788
(800) 447-2580
davd@brumfieldhay.comProviding for your equine needs. Hay, bedding, Pennfield, Purina, Woodys, and Brumfield Stride. Both English and western tack. Supplements and health supplies.
Open 7 days a week:
M-F 8:00am to 7:00pm
Saturday 10:00am to 3:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm to 4:00pm
Also offering leather repair, saddles, gloves, helmets, boots, clippers, and barns needs. Come see us. Serving the horse industry since 1938. "Service a Family Tradition"
121 Patsy Dr
Gray Court, SC 29645
We sell quality pine shavings by bulk orders for semi loads, pick-up loads, and dump truck loads.
Canfield Manufacturing CompanyGray Court, SC 29645
(864) 684-3137
(864) 242-4729
cbcustomsawmill@yahoo.comWe sell quality pine shavings by bulk orders for semi loads, pick-up loads, and dump truck loads.
244 Railroad Street
Canfield, OH 44406
We have bagged sawdust for sale at $3.50 per 35# bag (approx. 5.5 cu.ft). Our sawdust is a mixture of green and kiln dried hardwoods. No Black Walnut or Cherry. Perfect for horse bedding. Pickup only.
Canfield, OH 44406
(330) 533-3333
becky@canfieldmfg.comWe have bagged sawdust for sale at $3.50 per 35# bag (approx. 5.5 cu.ft). Our sawdust is a mixture of green and kiln dried hardwoods. No Black Walnut or Cherry. Perfect for horse bedding. Pickup only.
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