North America Horse Products Directory
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Alamo SaddleryArtCords, LLC

Visit ArtCords, LLC's Facebook Page
PO Box 1026
Gentry, AR 72734
(866) 872-2673
sales@artcords.comEducation & design direct from Darin Alexander. In 1986, Mr. Alexander began learning the art and science of cord saddle cinches. Today, he shares his experience and techniques, based on over a century of traditional cowboy family history in Wyoming, in the form of workshops, educational presentations, and DVDs. As an educator, Darin also considers himself a life-long student, searching for ways to teach folks about uses of 100% animal hair to "keep the comfort of the horse and mule in mind!" Materials, tools, and supplies of the highest quality are sold securely on the ArtCords website for making your own gear. With an AAS in photography and experience as digital photographer for the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming, he is developing custom web-sites for boot & saddle makers as well as other western arts.
528 Barfknecht Lane
Lewisville, TX 75056
Barfknecht Stables is located in the city limits of Lewisville. We have 3 levels of care. Full care, partial care, and self care. Our horses are turned out daily to pasture and put in a 12x12 oak lined stall every evening. We also offer individual pens and stalls with runs. The Stables has a round pen, lighted sandy arena, lighted night riding area, locked tack rooms, saddling areas, concrete wash stall, security lights for night arrival, open 24 hours 7 days week, management lives at front entrance, trailer parking, picnic area, bathroom, and wooded riding trails.
Barfknecht Saddle Shop offers custom - one of a kind - saddles, tack, wallets, purses, belts, phone cases, gun leather, chaps, notebooks, photo albums, home decor, stool tops, placemats, and coasters. Hand tooled or your personal brand.
Bashir & Rasul EnterpricesLewisville, TX 75056
(940) 759-4158
(972) 977-9394
Charles@barfknechtsaddleshop.netBarfknecht Stables is located in the city limits of Lewisville. We have 3 levels of care. Full care, partial care, and self care. Our horses are turned out daily to pasture and put in a 12x12 oak lined stall every evening. We also offer individual pens and stalls with runs. The Stables has a round pen, lighted sandy arena, lighted night riding area, locked tack rooms, saddling areas, concrete wash stall, security lights for night arrival, open 24 hours 7 days week, management lives at front entrance, trailer parking, picnic area, bathroom, and wooded riding trails.
Barfknecht Saddle Shop offers custom - one of a kind - saddles, tack, wallets, purses, belts, phone cases, gun leather, chaps, notebooks, photo albums, home decor, stool tops, placemats, and coasters. Hand tooled or your personal brand.
Pacca Garrah
Bokan Road
51310 Sialkot Punjab
Manufacturer and exporter of equine dental tools of low prices with a 1 year instrument guarantee.
Belmeade SignsBokan Road
51310 Sialkot Punjab
sales@bashir-rasul.comManufacturer and exporter of equine dental tools of low prices with a 1 year instrument guarantee.
PO Box 126
West Granby, CT 06090
A small business located in New England. The focus of the company is custom signs for the home, business and farm applications. The signs are used for house numbers, farm, horse, and business names. Custom signage for stables and farms.
Betty's Horse ServiceWest Granby, CT 06090
(860) 413-3569
sales@belmeadesigns.comA small business located in New England. The focus of the company is custom signs for the home, business and farm applications. The signs are used for house numbers, farm, horse, and business names. Custom signage for stables and farms.
Corvallis, OR
We breed, raise, and train race horses.
I break & exercise them. I have written & published a track grooming book. I make braided ropes & reins to order and provide services, such as pulling manes, cleaning sheaths, etc. We also stand a TB stallion. Email if you need my help. Thank you.
Bitless Bridle, TheBlack Mare Tack &
We breed, raise, and train race horses.
I break & exercise them. I have written & published a track grooming book. I make braided ropes & reins to order and provide services, such as pulling manes, cleaning sheaths, etc. We also stand a TB stallion. Email if you need my help. Thank you.
- Product Manufacturers
- Thoroughbred Horse Farms and Stallions
- Stables and Horse Farms
- Breeding Farms
- Racing Stables
- Grooms

Visit Black Mare Tack & Leather's Facebook Page
1717 North Smart Road
Maricopa, AZ 85239
(602) 448-6952
(520) 424-3431
blackmareleather@gmail.comAt Black Mare Tack and Leather, we can create or repair your leather goods. We service most of central AZ and are experienced at repairing all manner of tack. We also can create unique pieces for you or a loved one.
P.O. Box 1376
New London, NH 03257
Custom carved wooden signs for your farm home or business. We can use your existing artwork/logo or create one for you.
Brid-OVRNew London, NH 03257
(800) 750-6079
briarhil@tds.netCustom carved wooden signs for your farm home or business. We can use your existing artwork/logo or create one for you.
Empty Pocket Farm
13 Myrtle Drive
Montague, NJ 07827
A halter which helps you bridle your horse and more!
13 Myrtle Drive
Montague, NJ 07827
(973) 293-8813
BridOVR@optonline.netA halter which helps you bridle your horse and more!
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