North Carolina Horse Tack Shops Directory
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521 Long Shoals Road
Arden, NC 28704
Features equestrian tack and supplies, clothing, saddles, and horse gifts.
Cabin Branch Tack ShopArden, NC 28704
(828) 684-8445
Features equestrian tack and supplies, clothing, saddles, and horse gifts.
232 SW Broad Street
Southern Pines, NC 28387
Chubby Pony Tack Shoppe, TheSouthern Pines, NC 28387
(910) 692-8241
(800) 358-7123

Visit Chubby Pony Tack Shoppe, The's Facebook Page
2021 Robert Sherrill Lane
Lincolnton, NC 28092
(704) 735-4149
Info@ChubbyPony.comThe Chubby Pony is a tack shop specializing in 'slightly used' tack and apparel. Located in Lincolnton, North Carolina, the Chubby Pony carries quality used tack. Horse blanket cleaning and repairs are also offered.

Visit Country Saddler, The - TCS's Facebook Page
200 Beulah Hill Rd South # 3
PO Box 5322
Pinehurst, NC 28374
(910) 235-0022
(910) 235-0122
countrysaddler@yahoo.comWe sell and provide proprietary equestrian products. This includes the original Legacy custom and made to order bridles and saddles. The custom horse, a complete line of equine clothing, custom tackrooms, and tackroom accessories. Anne Ryan custom riding apparel, such as shirts, hunt and riding jackets, fun ribbon belts, and accessories. Our inventory also includes quality stock products from Dehner and Vogel boots to Arista Equestrian and Essex riding shirts. We offer Austin Ryan riding apparel for men.
542 W College St
Star, NC 27356
EQUI Mapping saddle fitting and correction using pressure mapping. Private and group evaluations. Clinics available. Accurate assessment, including conformation, tack, rider style and posture, and health history. Will work with your equine vet, trainer etc. Also, performance saddlery by Specialized Saddles and Henry Miller (Amish built). Demo saddles, showroom, and mobile unit in central North Carolina.
Equine Country USAGrissom Fertilizer Farm Supply & Tack ShopStar, NC 27356
(336) 267-0276
doubledequine@yahoo.comEQUI Mapping saddle fitting and correction using pressure mapping. Private and group evaluations. Clinics available. Accurate assessment, including conformation, tack, rider style and posture, and health history. Will work with your equine vet, trainer etc. Also, performance saddlery by Specialized Saddles and Henry Miller (Amish built). Demo saddles, showroom, and mobile unit in central North Carolina.
5230 NC Hwy 39 South
Henderson, NC 27537
H & H Farm SupplyHenderson, NC 27537
(252) 492-3662
601 N Kinston Blvd
Pink Hilll, NC 28572
We are a family owned business that specializes in trailer sales and all of your animal supplies. We carry a huge selection of tack and horse supplies. We also have everything for pigs to dogs! Fencing, lawn & garden, and trailer parts.
Lots of inventory! We carry Exiss Aluminum Trailers and Calico Horse Trailers and have a wide variety of used trailers in stock. We also manufacture our own line of horse trailers - Triple C Trailers! We have a full service repair shop, too!
M&M Tack ShopPink Hilll, NC 28572
(252) 568-3474
trailers@hhfarmsupply.comWe are a family owned business that specializes in trailer sales and all of your animal supplies. We carry a huge selection of tack and horse supplies. We also have everything for pigs to dogs! Fencing, lawn & garden, and trailer parts.
Lots of inventory! We carry Exiss Aluminum Trailers and Calico Horse Trailers and have a wide variety of used trailers in stock. We also manufacture our own line of horse trailers - Triple C Trailers! We have a full service repair shop, too!
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